Chapter 415 - War [2] (2/2)

{The planets' armies performance one by one…}


{The overall situation}

After switching the channels three times, Kyle finally stopped at the last one He shi+fted his position on the couch and wrapped his ar her closer

The reporter, a dark-skinned ra a few clips of the planetoid wars popped up

As Kyle and Maya watched the terrifying battles, the host began "In the first ten minutes of the war, our army matched the abyssals toe to toe

But as you know, our brave soldiers had just unhatched a sinister plot of the abyssals and stopped the destruction of cluster cities

As the reinforceround and after fifteen-minute mark, the army found it difficult toMaya lightly He didn't see down his forehead

Despite being a research student, he knew a thing or two about war If the opponents were equally matched, but one side had a small problem, it could be exploited by the other side

If proper measures weren't taken, the abyssals could occupy the planetoid Would it cost the a planetoid with so many sacrifices beneficial? It was up to theh, for exa which had precious rab that planetoid, even if it ht, Maya" Kyle patted her

"…if your hand isn't shi+vering, I would've believed you," MayaKyle to stiffen

"If he's here, you'll probably be braver, huh," Kyle said "Or at least try to be Lest he calls you timid"

"Y-You, Varian would never—"

"Shh" Kyle put a finger on her lips and shook his head

A few days ago, a strange woman met them and informed them that Varian was alive There were even proofs

But she had one request Don'tfor Xanders

That's why, the couple, despite being elated, didn't show any changes in their noriven the possibility to slip out secrets, they were refraining fro his name at any time, even in private

"…but the reinforcements returned by thirty-five-ain" The host continued on

"In every war so far, the human armed forces were suppressed Even in the last e


This is the first e fought as equals According to defense experts, hurow

We'll be equals of abyssals in this decade and in the decade after, ill be strong enough to drive them out of the planetoids In perhaps three decades fro our first abyssal crusade

So, fret not, fellow humans

We will not lose this war! Humanity shall survive!

We'll protect what our fathers, grandfathers, and forefathers sacrificed their lives for

During this time of war, I ask of you all to contribute Do what you can Professional support, financial support, social support Whatever you can, do it

Just reether!"

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