Chapter 397 - Abraxs Mission (1/2)

Chapter 397 - Abraxs Mission

'Is there real goal really Cluster cities?'

Enig was beyond expectations

The federation, the abrax faents—all of the kidnaps They knew about the theft of Ylocan flower and Goreiki They were also aware of Roshniu

Not just that, there were suspicions on deaths of some of the famous architects and scientists

In their eyes, these events, while concerning were disjointed Who would've thought that these norh to threaten lives of nearly half a billion

And it was only the direct threat to the five hundred million lives If the plan succeeded and the cluster cities were blown up, ere the consequences?

All supply chains to Neptune would be cut off An isolate Neptune would have to face the two-front war against Thunder Abyss and Pluto

Thunder Abyss could ask for help of other abysses, and get reinforceht by reinforcements would be initially snificant dae to Neptune army

Not only that, Neptune would be starved off critical supplies like weapons, star treasures, potions, and advanced technological iteency supplies would run out eventually and a depleted Neptune would dwindle down in all fronts

If the Thunder King was bold enough, he would exchange his life for Sovereign Ares or at least hold him back

Then with joint efforts of fallen pluto and Thunder Abyss, Neptune would be conquered

Unlike Pluto, this loss would have a severe effect on the federation As home to 7 Billion humans, fall of Neptune would kill 14 of human population

The consequences would be felt in ical do Neptune, Abyssals would recover in a decade

But huer be able to hold their ground

Unless there coood chance that planets would fall one by one to the growing army of Abyssals

And in a few decades, hu to cal?' She rubbed her forehead 'What I consider is the worst case scenario But like Varian said, if they are considering soma channeled her aura and calmed herself In times like these, especially in times like these, she shouldn't lose her cool

She went through everything Varian said and showed and raised a question

"Why only seventeen?"

"Huh?" Varian looked at the files and frowned There were twenty cluster cities If they wanted to bomb every city, they'd need at least one officer per city

Enigma tapped her cheek and said "You ht for a moment and turned to Boo

"Just a few minutes, master" With a salute, Boo went off to check the records

"Nope These three cities don't have any cases of such disappearances The underground networks of these cities don't have files on high ranking officers either" Boo replied with certainty

Enigma leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms "If the explosions only happen in seventeen cities, the arardless of the current situation

In fact, the defense of these three cities would be raised so high Whatever abyssals are trying to achieve through cluster cities destruction, it'd backfire"

Varian nodded in agreement and said "So, they must destroy these three cities no"The chaos fa"

Seated in his black-red throne, Abrax looked at the three Chaos families heads and Shadow Order leader, Draven

It was ti before the attack

As he learnt the origins of this grand project, Abrax felt equally honored and nervous

Abyssals were planning this since Pluto War The resources spent for this project were astronomical

And this plan was supposed to be finished after 5 years By then, they'd be able to bring all 20 high ranking officers under their control