Chapter 386 - Pre War [1] (1/2)

Chapter 386 - Pre War [1]

The federation traced its roots back to Human Alliance—a peace initiative born shortly after Blink

Hun, hu viruses

Then finally in 300 YAB, Dungeons appeared

Everyone, including the alliance were understandably perplexed and cautious But as humanity explored the unknown, their fear was replaced with ambition

In a matter of decades, humanity found the special treasures in ruins that helped in 'terraforan the colonization and it was all over in one single generation That generation enjoyed abundant resources like no other

People had e' the new properties and encouraged their kids to have more kids

A population explosion unseen in the history of board, humanity's power skyrocketed

Since then, the Human Alliance called itself as the Federation

Culturally, economically, militarily, it was on a different scale co up

Unfortunately, their difficultly also seemed to have leveled up


Since their arrival in 400 YAB, the federation fought the Abyssals countless ti and sht only once and that was the first hich humanity bitterly survived

There were times when tensions escalated and a few tiht simultaneously, similar to the first war But none came close to the tension and fear

Until now

Human Armed Forces announced a red alert and increased their deploy to be deployable should the need arise

It all started with a few days ago

The Abyssals stopped skirmishes across all the planetoids No a wars

Everything was peaceful or so it see ed to offensive and they started bringing in warriors that were usually kept in reserve

Unwilling to be outmatched, the military matched their deployistics and infrastructure

Then they waited

The Abyssals didn't start the conflict as expected

They all did one thing Right fro in more and more forces before they finally stopped

Or rather, had to stop

Both sides deployed their full forces

Teen Children bade farewell to their old parents, Middle-aged parents bade farewell to their little children, old people bade farewell to their faer patrolled the space They were all on the planetoids As a result, hu their space shuttles to neutralize Abyssals' advantage

It was as if a string was stretched to its limit and with just a bit more push, it'd snap

But that one final push never cale areneral, all had serious faces

Every soldier could feel the tension in the air as they patrolled the border

Just a few

They didn't attack But that only made their inevitable attack more serious