Chapter 349 - Uranus Cluster Cities (1/2)

Chapter 349 - Uranus’ Cluster Cities

Varian threw the trash into ghostshi+p and had Boo 'interrogate'

Under his unintentional training, Boo was beco, torture, and interrogation

Varian also had those three me, Boo put the

Apparently, he and Sarah were targets of assassination It was a pity that they too had no information on the realthis too ht

"P-Please! N-Not there We'll reveal everything"

"I-I'll even reveal the secrets of uys! I can reveal both of their secrets Just promise that you'll kill me"


Varian listened to his little ghost's sadistic laughter and sighed in disappointment

If only Boo was like hiht person

'I just outsource it'

After a few ave his

"Master, they know some of the secret entrances to Roshnium mines They went in and stole But they couldn't sit still and brag in one of the clubs They were followed and had to fight their way out"

"Serves the my achievements?"

"…" 'You're the one to talk' Boo almost said

Varian rolled his eyes at Boo's silence and asked "What's going on with Roshnium?"

"It's a precious metal only available on earth Previously Ganbald Clan controlled the mines But now—"

"Ganbald who?"

Boo looked at Varian with a serious gaze as if asking 'Did you really forget?'

Varian nodded

"…Master, rema attacked the three vassal clans of Xanders when you were in the lost dungeon?

We sneaked into Astor Clan The other two clans were Ganbold and Martin Ganbold Clan pretty much controlled Roshnium mines on Earth"

"Oh I re expression

'You totally forgot!' Boo wanted to yell, but as a good ghost, it controlled its expression and continued

"After Enigma pretty much dismantled these the Ganbold clan, the Roshniu to some news, the Ganbold clan had shady deals with Shadow Order They used to sell the metal

After Ganbold Clan fell, Shadow Order released rewards for those who can get the Roshnium metal

These fools happen to know one of the secret tunnels in the mines"

Fools because if it was a clever person, they'd have made a fortune in silence and never reveal any traces

Seriously, what kind of idiot would brag about their crimes in a public place?

Varian recalled the news from earlier Shadow Order also stole GoreikiRoshniu cases were also on the rise

"Just what the fuck is happening?" He growled in annoyance

If only this Shadow Order didn't exist…

"What about their criminal records?"

"They each have at least ten innocent lives under their belt Just like now, they barged into ho and killed the residents"

"Throw the deal


"They are a waste of air Drug them and throw them to? Abyssals They will at least kill one or two before they die" Varian said in a bone-chilling voice