Chapter 285: Twisting Islands [1] (1/2)

Chapter 285: Twisting Islands [1]

Twisting Islands, Twisted Region:

The name 'Twisted' sounded eerie, however, it wasspaces

Unlike other places, space here was neither uniform nor constant

It wasn't uniform in the sense that some places had a far compact space—the h it

It wasn't constant The space tightened and loosened in periodic intervals

Even space Awakeners had a hard tiion

It was because of the special creatures that lived in this region—the onesthe space and also the threat to participants

There was a chain of islands in a river a short distance from the shore In one of the islands, the two participants faced those threats


Caleb felt the space around him twist Without hesitation, he teleported away


In the process, the twisting space caught his coat

His 6-star treasure—Astral defense coat was folded as the space around it quickly co in a conventional sense

It was like…the space around the coat shrunk and the coat couldn't occupy the space anymore

The stable space destabilized in a split second and his defense coat was compressed to the size of a fist

Then it burst

Like a full balloon bursting, the 6-star treasure was blown into pieces as the space blasted

"My coat" Caleb cursed and glanced at the culprit standing on a tree far away

It was a huge grey ith no eyes Its skin was translucent and one could see the silvery blood flowing inside

space worm

Level 6 peak

With its uncanny space sense, it blasted space and killed opponents with ease

Just like it destroyed Caleb's prized defense coat

"fucking die!" Caleb's figure disappeared and he appeared on the tree top in an instant

The space as long gone

Before Caleb could think, he felt like his chest was crushed from both sides He instinctively covered himself with space power and loosened the space around him

The space Worm appeared on another tree top It was very proficient in hiding its tracks while teleporting

In fact, Caleb only felt the spatial fluctuations indicating it teleported after he appeared on the tree

"Die!" However, he wasn't disheartened

During the ti his chest, he also locked down on the position of the space worm

He clenched his fist and the space around the worled as it spilled out its space power and resisted his aggression

At the same time, the space behind Caleb cracked

If he didn't move in time, he'd have to face an unstable and hostile space rift The injury would be enough to severely injure him

"Tsk!" Caleb cursed inwardly and teleported away