Chapter 142 - Shadow Order Vs Shadow Guardians (1/2)

Chapter 142 - Shadow Order Vs Shadow Guardians

Shadow Guardians were the anization Even anizations only had a word in comies, but even in their inception

After the establishment of human alliance in 020 YAB, peace ensued for a few decades before a long-lasting ith intelligent sea creatures—Murlocs, broke out in 80 YAB

Humans used their treachery and used the internal strifes to defeat the militarily superior Murloc race

It was the classic 'Divide and Rule'

But applying it subtly and carefully building up their own strength, humans took almost 120 years to exterminate the Murclos

Of course, a few inferior unintelligent branches of Murlocs exist to this day They were kept in separate islands and used for hunting

When everyone thought peace could finally last, the consequences of the prolonged war finally caught up

It happened by 200 YAB

Soas The rest were Alphas—usable pawns and Betas—leeches

Their underlying motive was the refusal to sacrifice theer awakeners wanted to send everyone else to the front lines

'Why should we, the strongest, go out there and sacrifice ourselves for these bugs?'

That was the coa

Of course, such a feeling was always present in a sroup of people since Blink

However, 120 years of a costly as the perfect catalyst to spread like an epideious

As the war progressed, these extremists increased Soon, the concept of Shadow Nation was conceived

Shadow Nation was a society where strength was honored, and weakness was punished To the extreme

The popularity of Shadow Nation skyrocketed in no time

As the leaders of hu war in the front lines, Shadow Nation grew rapidly in the rear

Even after Shadow Nation was brought into official s, no solutions were found There wasn't really a way of prevention since any strong awakener could join Shadow Nation and act like a nor Shadow Nation to li humans

As the ith murlocs ended in late 200 YAB, huht

But nothing happened Shadow Nation strengthened itself and in 260 YAB, it launched a surprise attack on Human Alliance

It was a thunderous blow

Basing itself on sleeper cells and the unexpected ti, Shadow Nation snatched 30 of clusters

There was an increasing deanda to strong awakeners

Every hu Shadow Nation not only weakened Huthened the Shadow Nation

A prolonged war seecivil war

But to everyone's surprise, Shadow Nation collapsed

It didn't end with a bang, but with a whimper

The reason for its collapse… its very founding reason

'Why should we, the strongest, go out there and sacrifice ourselves for these bugs?'

The O in a war and losing their lives

So when equally strong awakeners of Hu their own lives, they cowered

They were afraid of dying They sent the people below thehtings broke out between Oas on who should risk their lives to hold on to the key frontline areas

Somehow, they held on for a few decades, but soon, the cracks deepened and Shadow Nation, which seemed like an iron tower, collapsed like a sand castle

In 300 YAB, Shadow Nation iped out

The remnant of it was Shadow Order They declared the?

They had no founding belief But they went against everything the government did Or at least that was hoas supposed to be