Chapter 37 - Sense And Space (1/2)

Chapter 37 - Sense And space

Varian waited as the ed them with least movement Except one

That one attack aimed at his shoulder and would tear it apart should it hit

This time, Varian controlled his mind and channeled his space power to his shoulder

space Binding — Solidifies space around anything in direct contact by using space power That implied he could solidify space around his body

Just as Varian channeled his space power and solidified the space around his shoulder, the murloc's claas about to tear his shoulder


The claed down due to the solid space, but it would still injure him if he let it

Varian slashed his sword at the murloc's neck and juh it was a bit hard to cut the murloc's neck due to its scales, Varian was successful in his first kill

The murloc collapsed 8 Left



The murlocs lashed their tails at hieneral direction of teleportation and not the distance So he ended up teleporting a bit too far

'I can take theht


His position attracted a new group of murlocs in the distance The 6 murlocs joined the 8 old

'Oh boy' Varian shook his head and waited in his position It wasn't a wise decision to charge, being the slower one



The ed at him

'fuck!' Varian cursed and dashed to the side

At that moment, the murlocs whipped their tails at him Only tere about to touch him One aimed for his heart position and the other for his abdoo offensive or defensive He picked the former

'I'll have to try' Varian channeled his space power and bound the space around his heart position and abdomen


The tails slowed down due to the solid space but were about to pierce him nonetheless Varian used the tiantly



The two murlocs collapsed, and Varian created a distance from the rest

Varian felt a bit more closer to space

[+5 Xp]

[space Path Level 1: 35/100]


The ot co space binding to block just two locations to three, to four, five and… finally six

[+5 Xp]

[+5 Xp]

[+5 Xp]

[space Path Level 1: 50/100]

Varian grewli his whole body was his level Plus, if he space bound his body, he'd have to break the solid space to er



The murlocs collapsed one by one, and soon, there were only three left

'I can try that again' Varian thought


Thehis sword at a murloc's neck

This ti on the sword just before it was about to touch the murloc's neck
