Chapter 275 (1/2)
Pan, full of anger, came to the main hall of God's palace. Hagrid was sitting on a tall golden throne. He was wearing a golden crown and a sea blue robe, just like an emperor.
Hagrid sat with his arms on the armrest, his hands on his cheeks, thinking.
His posture seems a little lazy, completely without the usual dignity.
On Hagrid's right hand stood a golden Trident. It is said that Poseidon, the God of the sea, left a sacred object.
It's just said!
The golden blood left by the God King Zeus has passed on a lot. Each one claims to have a powerful artifact left by its ancestors.
In fact, most of these so-called artifacts were forged by later generations in the name of their ancestors.
This trident of Poseidon, in fact, is one with the throne, and is the core of STARNet.
Hercules likes to sit here, mainly through the super brain under the throne to deal with all kinds of affairs of the stardom.
Pan has tried several times. Sitting on the throne, he handles affairs through the data connection of the crown. He really has the pleasure of controlling everything.
Pan went up the red carpet steps to Hagrid.
Hagrid's eyes were deep and empty, and he didn't know what to think. He didn't even look at Pan standing next to him.
"Hagrid! "
Pan calls her name directly, which means that she is extremely angry.
She had never suffered such humiliation since she could remember. A 19-year-old boy, even openly used force against her. Almost made a fool of her.
Pan can't stand it anyway. When she reacts, she immediately realizes that this is a good opportunity.
No matter how much Hagrid favors Gao Xuan, he can't tolerate her being bullied by Gao Xuan. This is the glory of the golden blood family!
"Gao xuanqiang robbed us of two strange things. After being stopped by me, he still attacked me."
Pan said angrily, "you have to deal with him!"
She thought about it and said, "no, you should kill him!"
Hagrid's empty eyes finally converged. He looked at pan with a complicated look.
It makes pan feel bad. She's been with Hercules for nearly 200 years, and it's the first time she's ever seen Hercules.
She was uneasy and puzzled: "what's the matter with you?"
Hagrid sighed. He lowered his eyes and whispered, "I'm tired."
Pan had to show concern. She held Hagrid on the shoulder and asked softly, "what's the matter, honey?"
Hagrid didn't explain. He just frowned heavily, and his dignified face was tired.
This makes pan even more worried, "what's the matter?"
"Nothing. I just feel tired all of a sudden."
Hagrid sighed again. "I'm a little worried about you. You're almost three hundred years old."
The natural life span of Baiyin Jianhao is only 300 years old.
When it comes to gold, the life limit of the strong is very high, and it's OK for the long-lived to live more than 1000 years.
There is even a legend that a strong gold man can live 3000 years. It's just that these are just rumors after all.
Anyway, Hagrid, who is just over 300 years old, is actually middle-aged in terms of grade.
So he hated Pan's messing about with his heirs. He has a long enough life to make arrangements.
Of course, the older you get, the harder it is for the golden one to have offspring. This is also determined by natural rules.
The golden man who has long life, because of gene mutation, has given birth normally.
According to the current state of Hercules, it is basically certain that Helen is his last child.
Therefore, to marry Helen is to get the Sea King Star domain.
It was precisely because pan understood this that he was anxious to arrange Helen's marriage. So hysterical.
Hagrid understood Pan's feelings, but hated her being so narrow and selfish.
It's just that after more than 200 years of marriage, they still have feelings.
Pan also showed some sadness, she said: "I may not accompany you for long."
Hercules took Pan's hand: "be happy. Don't think about so many things."
"No way!"
Speaking of reality, pan immediately calmed down, she said: "I can't be bullied by a child."
Hagrid grinned bitterly. "What do you want?"
Pan said seriously, "I know you want to use Gao Xuan, but you won't do anything to him. At least, you'll have to take back two things. "
"I didn't take it out for myself," she stressed. I think about the family, too. "
"It's just two toys, so why take them seriously," Hagrid said
Pan shook his head and said, "Gao Xuan is very smart. He was so good when he was 19. There must be a lot of secrets about him
"Of course."
Hercules doesn't think it's anything. Gao Xuan was born in the bottom, but he can grow up rapidly, even far better than Helen. He must have his own adventure.No matter how powerful the talent is, it needs the support of resources. This is a simple truth.
Pan added: "Gao Xuan is such a smart man. He must have seen the particularity of two strange things before he took them directly."
She said with a sneer, "besides, these two strange things must be very important. He didn't care to tear his face and start directly at me. "
Panchi said, "no matter what, I'll bring it back. This is our stuff. Besides, two strange things must be very precious. "
Seeing Hagrid's silence, she was a little angry: "am I wrong?"
Hagrid shook his head. "Your inference is very reasonable."
He said with a wry smile: "but I can't do it."
"Why?" Pan's voice was so high that she didn't understand what Hagrid thought.