Chapter 57 - Dont Get Into Fights You Cant Win (1/2)
Niu Caijie’s lips twisted in a smirk. “Whatever you say. Both of you still have to compensate me. Remember this, Xie Qingqing, the next time you think of raising a hand to me.”
Xie Qingqing turned to Tang Qiu, suddenly–eerily–calm. “Stay out of the way.”
“Because I’m going to kill this shameless woman, and I don’t want you to be covered in blood.”
Trust me, Tang Qiu wanted to say, if murder wasn’t a crime, I’d help you.
As if on cue, tears began streaming down Niu Caijie’s face. “Will they attack me once I leave, Professor? What if I have nightmares about them? I don’t have the money for a psychiatrist…”
The professor fixed the two of them with a scathing look. “You hit her, then threaten her. Your arrogance is too much. Refuse to compensate her, and you’ll be expelled.”
“Expelled?” Niu Caijie echoed, pouncing on the professor’s support for her. She arched a taunting brow at Tang Qiu. “There’s no need for that, Professor. What would happen to them? Their lives would be ruined…”
“You’re too softhearted, Niu Caijie,” he lectured her. “It’s only right that they compensate you–otherwise, they might get ideas about bullying you in the future.”
“Since she’s so magnanimous…” A male voice rang out from the doorway, “… why is she demanding money from my wife?” The words were even, but they struck true, like an arrow sailing through the air and finding its target in their hearts.
Everyone’s eyes darted to the source of the voice.
It was a man seated in a wheelchair. His lower visage was concealed by a mask, but his eyes were searing cold. Even wheelchair-ridden, he carried himself with all the contempt and power of an emperor looking down on his subjects.
“Dear?” Tang Qiu blurted out. She pushed back her seat and crossed the room, squatting down in front of him. “What are you doing here? Where’s He Lei?”
Jiang Shaocheng stroked her head. “My wife is being mistreated. How could I not come?” Her money was meant for his treatment–he wouldn’t let anyone take it from her.