Chapter 859: Buying Horses (1/2)

Chapter 859: Buying Horses

There were probably a lot more reasons on why Julian didn't readily leave Almere, and perhaps it came down to finances as well The town of Almere was in no way rich or filled with a lot of noblemen and noblewo the festival wherecities and towns arrive," Julian explained as they stopped by the stable He paused uncertainly and looked at Roith a raised brow "What are we doing here?"

"We're going to buy horses," Rowena said

"Huh, horses?" Julian blinked "Why are we buying horses, they can get very expensive"

Rowena cleared her throat and threw her friend a look "I know, but we don't have much time to spare and the less people we meet, the faster we can head to our destination"

Although it was less obvious if they traveled on foot or with other people, Rowena didn't trust that they'd have ample ti to the sea, they needed to be there before knights were sent to find her

"Alright, I understand that but…" Julian hesitated "Are we going to purchase one horse? I don't have much on me and at best, we'll only be able to afford a slow one"

"You don't have to worry, I've got it covered" Rowena grinned "I didn't just abruptly leave like you So I had time to prepare"

Julian chuckled a little and rubbed his face "Okay, good point, but I still feel a bit unused to you taking care of it"

"You're helping me out, so we're practically even" Rowena explained and approached the e of the stables in Almere "hello there, we'd like two horses, please"

The youngpeople with a frown Both Rowena and Julian were modestly dressed, evenmuch

"If you'd like to rent them—"

"Purchase them," Rowena corrected "We wish to purchase them and not return the man's open hand was closed over by Rowena as she placed some coins When he looked at his hands, his eyes widened at the fat gold coins now placed on theht?" she asked

"You… you could even buy a war horse if we had the man blurted out "But I can include the saddle, horseshoes and even sixon the type of horse, we can get you more than two"

"That would be well-appreciated We just need two though, and the fastest ones" Rowena smiled

a little and walked inside of the stable with Julian right behind her She turned to hi them for a couple of days, so we need to choose one we're co?" Julian glanced around a bit uncertainly

"Mhe of the stable helped the two look around and find their suitable horse

"An ordinary horse used as a beast of burden usually costs about fifteen days of nor man explained and stopped in front of a couple horses "If you want to carry a lot of heavy items, or have it pull a cart then these are the perfect horse"