Chapter 828 - Everything Feels Better When You Are Happy (2) (1/2)

Chapter 828 - Everything Feels Better When You Are Happy (2)


Thank you, dear Kelly Goodwin,for gifting a castle to "The Cursed Prince" yesterday! xx


"We will finally go out together," Rohispered to her beloved pet "Are you excited?"

Lucent screeched softly and rubbed its head on hers It was enough for Rowena to know that Lucent was just as excited as she was Yesterday, Rowena had begged her father to allow her to bring Lucent with her during her excursion and, surprisingly, King Draco said yes

"Don't let people see Lucent It e at all tiain after they entered the sie provided for this special occasion

The coache toward their destination There were four knights in plain clothes following them from behind to make sure the princess was safe and protected

"Understood, Lady Liz" Rowena nodded

She opened the carriageand let the gentle breeze touch her face She closed her eyes and took in a long deep breath It almost felt like the air out here was much better and fresher than the air she breathed in the castle

She knew it ination because there was no way the air would be different She had learned a lot about such things in books and her teachers taught her about nature and the world All humans breathed the same air, just like they drank the sa just felt better? She opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings Maybe that's what's happening, she thought The trees looked greener, the flowersfrom the trees

It was such a beautiful day!

"Lady Liz" Rowena suddenly turned to her governess and touched her arm "Can we stop for a bit? I want to see those flowers over there I think I saw them many times in books I have never seen the real ones"

Lady Liz looked outside theand saw there was a beautiful ht with a s the surface closer to the lake

People called it Cris and these flowers only grew near water It's true that Rowena had never seen the real one because the castle was not close to any lakes or rivers

Lady Liz didn't care about Cris, but she thought the place was beautiful So, she nodded and ordered the coache stopped and the door was opened by one of the knights, Rowena stepped out excitedly

"This is so, so beautiful!" she cried excitedly Slowly tears were for in the corners of her eyes and she srass It was not round, but somehow she felt they were so soft to touch

She closed her eyes and smelled the air It eet and filled with the aroma from flowers around them She looked ahead and saw the little purple flowers that she came here to see

Roalked toward the lake to see Cris flowers and picked some They were not that remarkable, but soh flowers to make a nice little flower crown for herself

It looked really beautiful Since she was not allowed to take off her hat, Rowena could only keep the crown in her hand and admire it

"Are you done?" Lady Liz cae "The sun will be high soon It will be too hot for you to walk around if we delay"

Rowena turned to look at Lady Liz She noticed the older wo any hat Then she looked at the flower crown in her hand