Chapter 824 - The Princess Thirteenth Birthday (2/2)

In fifteen o to the ballrooh a hand mirror and then tried to smile

"Come on Rowena, all you need to do is curve your lips up It's si princess told herself and then closed her eyes

She thought of the happy ed a weak s a little when she realized that she couldn't quite reme

"Your Highness, it is time for you to head into the ballroom," a servant infor" Rowena rose from her chair and put down her mirror She fixed her posture and tidy her dress Once she was ready, she walked gracefully out of her chauests ca Draco, Roas the epitome example of the perfect princess She wasn't only beautiful, but she was graceful and talented when it came to the art of words and wits

There were still instances where the young childish nature revealed itself from time to time, but Rowena mostly kept it hidden in order to ensure that her ihness, Roill now join us tonight," a servant announced when the princess arrived

Today was Rowena's thirteenth birthday and everybody could see that had grown even uests applauded when the young princess arrived and stepped down the grand staircase

Rowena noore the practiced sently crossed the ballroom to , beautiful, and yet she didn't pay hness" A young lord gave her a precious ring as a gift "I hope that you will think fondly of me"

"Thank you, Lord Benett," Rowena politely said and let thewith the other countless presents she received In the corner of the princess' vision, she saw her father le with others

It made her feel really lonely

What Roanted the most was for her father to show soh Rowena had everything that an ordinary villager could ever want, the princess was starved for love

This party didn't even feel like it was truly hers


From Missrealitybites:

I pro, like all ht need some extra time, 1-2 days, to finalize the plot so I can write this story properly

I will try to publish chapters every day like usual, but if I can't, please understand I alass, so I can write better

I have been writing "The Cursed Prince" for 13 months nonstop every day since January 2021 and now I kind of feel like I need to step away from it for a little while, so I can refresh my mind and return with a sharper storyline

To be honest, writing Rowena's backstory is hard and I actually cried many times In many stories, usually, the tortured souls are the male leads, but here we have the female lead who has such darkness around her and it affected ry and sad for Rowena and I wish she didn't have to go through so much pain and bitterness However, I owe it to Rowena to tell her story as is I hope you understand