Chapter 543 - The Story Of The Seventh Prince (2/2)

He didn't know Elmer believed such a story Usually, this was the type of stories or fairytales told by nannies to the children they took care of before they slept A bedti it from the old wizard made Mars feel conflicted

"So, you said it first started several hundreds of years ago?" He asked the wizard "How come I never heard about this before?"

"Well only a few people do And it's only liic users Also, they are just ruenerations of wizards So ical artifacts ht never believe the stories They sound like fairy tales we tell our children before sleeping" Elmer smiled

Mars was taken aback by the wizard's re nodded in understanding "So, what happened to the seventh prince? Was he happy with the way huave us?"

Elmer shook his head "I am not sure nobody has ever ered by what he did They were not supposed to share the ression The seventh prince was banished to the huain"

"How did you know so ain "You said you didn't know a lot, but you have been telling us such a detailed story"

"No, not really, Your Majesty I read about those from a book my master left behind, but there is no way to prove the accounts told there And I lost the book when he died" Elhed "That's why I said they are ru to know if there is any truth to it"

"If they are just ruic from some royalty in Cretea?" Mars touched the scarf that covered his father's back, trying to feel anything unusual or ical from the item

He furrowed his brows It honestly looked and felt like a regular scarf

"Oh I can feel the energy It had siical tree I touched before My master once took me to a special place There was a tree on this island which he said was created by one of the seven princes I have never seen or felt anything like that in decades, until today"

Mars furrowed his brows E people He couldn't wait to ave her this scarf

"To be honest, everything sounds like an elaborate joke or superstition, Elmer," Mars admitted "But, since I respect you and I know you don't do nonsense, I will believe everything you said I hope you are right, that this scarf can heal my father"

Everyone felt exactly the sa They hoped there was soical artifact that could bring healing to Jared Strongmoor

The story of the seventh prince is inspired by the story of Proy, Proave it to hu of the Olympian Gods, sentenced Proression

Prole—the emblem of Zeus—was sent to eat his liver (in ancient Greece, the liver was often thought to be the seat of huht, only to be eaten again the next day in an ongoing cycle