Chapter 521 - Emmelyns Letter (1/2)

Chapter 521 - Emmelyn's Letter

Mars called out to his ot a letter for you It's from Emmelyn She wanted you to read it"

Queen Elara's steps halted She turned around and looked at her son with clenched jaws Her body was shaking as she reached out a hand, asking hiive her the letter

Mars quickly took out the box froave it to his mother "It's in this box"

The queen received the box without saying a word Then she continued her walk to go to her chamber Their old butler faithfully helped her until she reached the place

The old queen sat on her bed with a distraught expression She wiped her tears with her sleeves and put the box on her lap, ready to open the lid John immediately took a silk handkerchief froave it to the queen

"Please use this one, Your Grace," he said gently

John was really shocked to see the queen but he had no time to think of the technicalities He was just happy that their sweet queen was back

Things should start getting better now, he thought John really hoped so He had witnessed how the old king and King Mars had suffered so much after the queen died The little princess also had never randmother

Queen Elara accepted the handkerchief and wiped her face that ith tears She was shocked, angry, and heartbroken at the same time She felt very sorry for Ehter-in-law had to say

"John, Please get ," Queen Elara turned to John "I need to calm down my nerves"

"Will do, Your Grace," said John respectfully He was about to leave the chaain

"Also, please get Mr Vitas I need to see him," she added

"Yes, Your Grace"

After John left, Elara Strongmoor took a deep breath and took out E when she opened it fro


Dear Queen Mother, this is E this letter from Castilse, a city in Suet to you and you can read it

I was forced to flee Draec because everyone thought I killed you We both know it's not true, but they don't Ellena did it And she did it because she reement with Thessalis Morelli, the witch that cursed your family

The truth is, I ah my mother and I didn't know it until recently Apparently, Duke and duchess Bellevar went to Winterhter killed herself

That was the real reason why my father never surrendered to Draec ere attacked I know them as Grandpa and Grandma Sovie To me, they are family