Chapter 457 - Emmelyns Realization (1/2)
Chapter 457 - Emmelyn's Realization
"Okay, if you say so," said Maxiently to calanize his other e of plan
He also sent the pigeon to Renwyck and explained what happened Maxim was not afraid of any witch if he had Renith him The wizard had proven hio," he said to E was taken care of Emmelyn was anxious about what happened to Kira and couldn't really say anything She only nodded silently Her mind was filled with the worst-case scenario
Hopefully, Kira was fine, she kept chanting her wish silently
The journey to the top of Mount Tempest was quite difficult As soon as they went up halfway, the temperature dropped and becaht a new thicker coat so she could wrap herself in it and get warm
Maxim, however, didn't seem to be bothered by the cold He kept his coat on his horse and didn't use it until they were alround was covered by the eternal snow
"Oh my God" Emmelyn suddenly halted her horse and pressed her lips in shock She just saw three ice statues that looked a lot like humans
Were these the humans that were cursed by the snow queen? The three statues looked like two ood for just an ice carving
Maxiot off his horse and checked the statue He touched the arasped They did look like humans, except they were ly
Maxier humans if they were"
Emmelyn sed hard This witch was truly powerful If the witch could turn huine the extent of her powers
"What about your wizard friend?" she asked Maxim "Do you think he can come here?"
She hoped the wizard could help theic
"I a for us," said Maxim confidently His letter o and now the wizard was already so, suddenly they heard the sound of screeching fro the for you" A voice rang fro What she saw made her bat her eyes in shock For a few
Eon before, but she had heard how it looked like The creature was just as on that was floating in the sky above theer than a reen with a scaly body The eyes were bloodshot red and it looked very scary The tings were flapping leisurely to stay floating
"Is that" Emmelyn turned to Maxim after she found her voice "Is that your wizard friend and his dragon?"
Maxim nodded "Yes, that's Renwyck"
The man waved at the wizard and asked hi all-black attire and a leather cloak Even though all his hair hite but his face looked quite young Euess how old he was
"He looks impressive," said Emmelyn to Maxim "How old is he?"
Maxim chuckled "You won't believe it, but the e, but I heard from someone that Renwyck is already over 100 years old"
"What???" Maxim's answer made Emmelyn shocked She looked up and observed Renwyck's face carefully If she were to guess, she would think that Renas only in his 30's, but he was actually really old?
"Yeah, we can stay young too if we are powerful like him," Maxim explained "I found out that powerful witches and wizards could defy aging with their powers"
This knowledge ireatly Maxim's words seemed to make sense Her mind wandered to Draec, when she h Elmer was over 100 years old and actually older than his brother, Mr Vitas, he still looked quite fresh and actually younger than Mr Vitas
However, Elmer's physical condition was pale in co for his age This made Emmelyn believe that Renwyck ave Emmelyn a sense of relief Now, hopefully, Renas also more powerful than the snow queen
"Your Majesty" Renwyck finally landed with his dragon and he quickly bowed down respectfully to Maxiain I trust that you are well?"
Maxiot to tell Renwyck in his letter that he was covering his real identity from Emmelyn
Now, this wizard just called hiuilt and ruined his cover
Maxiasp from his side and he knew immediately that his cover was exposed
"Maxim what did he call you just now?" Emmelyn turned to look at Maxim with a confused expression