Chapter 404 - Gewens Mission (1/2)

Chapter 404 - Gewen's Mission

"So, are you saying Ellena and Thessalis planned this?" Gewen finally found his voice "What for??"

Mars didn't reply and let Gewen figure things out for himself He didn't want to accuse Ellena openly because no ether

He wanted to be completely sure about what happened, and he didn't actually direct his suspicions to Ellena because of his personal bias

Without clear evidence, Mars wouldn't want to punish Emmelyn for , he had to be fair and uphold justice

Geas not dumb when it ca was seeing He knew Ellena well and he liked her because she was his friend

However, if he wanted to be honest with hi like this if she put her ht She did spend four years living with that wicked witch Did Ellena change because of the witch? Was she really the one who framed Emmelyn?

Gewen didn't want to answer his own question because he , Mars believed that Euilty but he didn't say anything?

He treated Ellena well, like he would his friend And didn't he set the bounty for Emmelyn? If he didn't think she killed the queen, then why did he do that?

So confusing!

"But if you think Emmelyn is not the killer and she was framed, why did you set up a bounty for her head?" Gewen asked Mars This was so confusing He couldn't understand how his friend's mind worked

"I did it to make o after Emmelyn because they think she is the killer," Mars explained

"I sent soldiers to search for Emmelyn and announce to the public that if they could find her, they would get a reward 1000 gold coins But, at the saether with so added

"What secret mission?" Geas curious

"I sent theround that a old coins if they could find E her alive to hiold coins?" Gewen's eyes bulged "That's a lot"

"Yeah, so ht?" Mars chuckled "Which reward do you think all the bounty hunters would try to get? My er 1000 coins or the 50,000 coins from the mysterious client?"

"Well who is the mysterious client? Do you know?" Gewen asked Mars intently "I cannot iold for your wife"

Mars hiccuped He thought Gewen could guess it i

"The mysterious client is me, Gewen But I won't let people know that, otherwise my father, Duke Preston, and the others would be on my back I asked Damien to keep it a secret," he finally explained it to Gewen

The king stared at his friend intently, trying to assess if Gewen really understood this tiain

"So the mysterious client who offers the 50,000 coins is you, and the king who offered 1000 coins is also you!" Gewen gasped "That is genius!"

Of course, any sane people would prefer to catch Eer reward

Whoaa even 1000 gold coins were enough to buy them land and lived comfortably for the rest of their lives

But they could get fifty tiht Emmelyn alive? That's an insane amount of money!!

Everyone as after the money would choose the second reward, to please the

This herever she was and whoever finally ed to find Emmelyn, they would do their best to keep her safe

It was like asking the whole world to protect Ee forof Draec, and he wouldn't hesitate to spend it all for his wife

"Thank you," Mars replied with a faint smile "When I was forced to hunt her down, I came up with that plan So, I am not worried about her"