Chapter 334 - Thessalis Morelli (2/2)

For what?

Before Mars could think further, suddenly he heard the sound of a strong wind blowing from outside


Elmer quickly pressed Duke Bellevar down to sit on the chair and ran outside of the library

"Your Highness! The witch is here!" he shouted

Having said that he took out his black staff and stood still in the middle of the mansion His eyes were closed and he recited a spell He wanted to close all access to escape from this place, now that the witch was here

"HOW DARE YOU!!" A hoarse voice rang fro room

Mars dashed out of the library to follow El his staff to welcome a vicious attack from an old woman hite hair She dashed toward El fireballs from her palms

Mars was astounded to see what the witch was capable of Apparently, she could create fire with her ular huround with massive burns all over his body

Unfortunately for her, this was a very powerful wizard that she was dealing with now El fire with his staff and with a wave of his hand, the fire went off, extinguished by a strong blow of air

"You!" Thessalis Morelli stepped back in surprise She stood on her spot and looked at her opponent with a dangerous glint in her eyes She twitched her brows and mocked the "

Elitation He kept his cool and stood where he ithoutan inch He had sealed the mansion with his protection spell and was confident that the witch wouldn't be able to escape

Now, there would be a fight inside the mansion and he would see to it that the witch would meet her fateful end

"You are Thessalis Morelli?"

Mars stepped forward and asked the witch a question that he already knew the answer for, yet he asked anyway He needed the confir the witch up close like this, after dreaeance for soin his mind suddenly beca?

What was it?

The old witch s in the world could help her appearance That smirk that was plastered on her face only lier

"Ah here you are," the witch said with a croaked voice "Finally"

Her next words sent shi+vers down the prince's spine

"I've been waiting for you"