Chapter 330 - Defeating The Hydra (1/2)

Chapter 330 - Defeating The Hydra

Fortunately, when Mars thought he was at a dead-end, help carow back!" Gewen's voice rang and soon Mars saw his friend dashed with his horse fro a torch to light the way

Mars quickly moved back from the hydra and dashed his horse to approach Gewen When it saw the enemy retreated, the hydra hissed and slithered after him

"It's behind you!" Gewen shouted to his friend "You can cut the heads, I will pour the eagle's blood on the neck stuht at that le tied to the stick on Gewen's hand His chest iood idea!

He remele earlier, suffered a condition like he was attacked by an extre sulphuric acid

His eye socket and then his whole face were burned so badly and it corroded at high speed Mars had to kill the

He looked at Geith a newfound appreciation The prince didn't know this friend of his could come up with such a brilliant idea

Was Gewen smarter than he looked? Where did he hide that brain all these years?


Mars turned his horse around and i hydra Now that Gewen had told Mars his plan to stop the , the prince felt confident he could defeat the hydra by cutting all the heads, one by one

After Snow got close to the hydra, Mars swung his long sword and cut the head that was closest to him The head fell and blood immediately spurted from the neck stump It was a clean cut

"NOW! Gewen now!!"

Mars retreated and gave way to his friend who ile's head with his sword and dashed toward the hydra as enraged and growled furiously

Geung the stick toward the hydra and le's blood smeared on the hydra's neck stuushed when he saw the hydra writhing in pain and its other six heads roared in anger The neck that had been splashed by the red eagle's blood see burned by a very strong acid

"Cut off its head again!" Gewen exclaimed excitedly "It still has six more!"

Mars nodded He dashed his horse and circled thethe hydra look confused and dizzy Every ti heads followed his move to attack the hydra's heart

The creature would follow hisafter, the six necks and heads becaot stuck

Gewen stared in awe at his best friend's intelligence and prowess However, he was not in awe for long He realized he had to do his part too

So, Gewen kept his distance and prepared so that he could ile's blood on the hydra after Mars slashed the monster's head one by one



After the six hydra's necks and heads were entangled, it was now easy for Mars to finish off this h and slashed at the first head, which iround