Chapter 161 - Rewarding The Cooks (1/2)

Chapter 161 - Rewarding The Cooks

Emmelyn nodded and smiled at his words "Thank you I will use the money wisely"

"I know you will," Mars replied "Do you want to get soold never harold coins and keep theift the cooks who had worked hard to always prepare the dishes she liked

She wanted them to know that she appreciated what they did She was a foodie and had never felt lacking in food once she gave them the list of her favorite foods

"Are you sure ten coins is enough?" Mars asked her when he saw her take only a few coins He thought she would take et more if I needed them," said Emmelyn with a smile "Or do you want the key back?"

Mars shook his head "Of course not You can keep it Just make sure you store the key properly so nobody will steal it from you"

"I understand," she replied joyfully

Eht old for whatever their needs would give people the feeling of security

Now, she knew she could get anything she needed without having to worry about money She was so damn happy

Meanwhile, Mars actually felt relieved that E of ways how he could give her gold without offending her He didn't kno she would respond if he suddenly gave her gold

That was the least that he could do, actually Mars realized that Emoor family

Emmelyn was a princess with such an easy and happy life before Wintermere was conquered by Draec

Of course, Mars should take responsibility and provide for her He hated to think that she needed so but couldn't afford it and was too proud to ask

However, he didn't dare to just give her ht be offended

Fortunately, while the crown prince was racking his brain on the best way to give money to her, Emmelyn asked So, it became in for them

He really loved how they were so in tune with each other

"All right I will go now to , just ask Roshan to go with you He can show you places where you can buy anything you like"

Mars finally closed his chest and gave the key back to Eirl accepted it and kept it in her pocket

The crown prince went out to see his friends and Emmelyn decided to visit the kitchen and etting all those delicious dishes on her dining table