Chapter 476 - Yung Jo Passes Down Instructions (1/2)
Chapter 476 - Yung Jo Passes Down Instructions
'Those idiots I didn't expect that they would try to fraet to delay hier All because that man wants me to defeat hihed before ?' Endric thought hard for a fewit off hisnow till I find a way to help her,' Endric decided with a troubled look
-Two days later
Within a study, abrown hair clad in an azure-colored business suit sat down listening to a large male in a black bodysuit and aJo and his subordinate
"So you're telling le one of the first years with the nanites have been singled out?" Hung Jo asked
"Everyone of thee man responded
"How? Could Endric have betrayedJo wondered out loud
"I proceeded to ask
"Sir I think you're forgetting that Kendrick has been caught," The man in front voiced out
"Who cares about that ant? He's very much replaceable There are still others I' Jo answered with a cold tone
"The others in the shadow are also at loss about how this happened All they could say was the whole situation turned out for the worse froetted," Theinside hi mentioned
"Wasn't it mentioned that he met up with the camp commander and also arrived there before they could kill the kid that was taken?" Hung Jo asked
"According to the eye witness report of the ones in the shadows, this is accurate," Theto do with the uncovering of the cadets we have under our control," Hung Jo's eyes squinted as he pointed this out
"Pass the e to Endric that he has to kill Gustav before he leaves for his first mission He will be assisted hatever tools he needs to co Jo instructed
"What if he says no? According to the contract between you two, he doesn't have to obey your coe man voiced out
"He won't He also despises his brother," Hung Jo answered before reaching out to grab the tea of cup by the side
TheJo took a sip from the cup of tea
"Refusal is not an option I'll have to activate the nanites if he shows any form of hesitation,"
It was early, around four a rooirl could be seen laying on the bed with her eyes closed
She had silver and pink-colored hair with two s out of the sides of her forehead