Chapter 65 - Brain Tweak Helmet (1/2)

The Bloodline System Timvic 21300K 2022-09-11

Chapter 65 - Brain Tweak Hel that will help you in spouting the truth!" Edan pushed the helmet towards Gustav's head and try to put it on for him

"I won't let you," Gustav shi+fted his head towards the side causing the helmet to be placed on his neck

"Behave yourself I don't have the time to mess around!" Edan shouted out and shi+fted the hel to dodge it


Edan grabbed Gustav's chin with his left hand and forcefully held his head in place before placing the helmet on his head

"NhNhhuoGrhh!" Gustavto rip was so powerful that he could hardly make noises

He could already tell what the function of the helmet was but he was powerless to try and stop it

'No! No! No! No! No! No!' Gustav kept screa inwardly He didn't want the secret of the systeh This was the brain tweak device and one of its functions was to force a person to answer truthfully to any questions asked

Even if he decided to transfor hih the man in front of him was more powerful than he was and that would also reveal his ability

"Activate it!" Edan said to the man beside him

The man nodded and clicked on a button behind the helmet

Crackle! Crackle! Crackle!

The electric sparks on the hel Gustav's eyes to widen in pain

In a few seconds, his eyes turned listless

Edan stared at Gustav's expression which looked like he ake but also asleep

"The brain tweak device is currently functioning," The man beside him stated

"What is your name?" Edan asked

"I am Gustav Oslov," Gustav answered like a robot

He looked like a puppet at this moment

"Good it works with no issue, that's the brat's full name," The man beside him confirmed

"Now tell o Tell me what happened from your time of arrival in that forest," Edan commanded

Gustav whose eyes still looked like that of a lifeless puppet started speaking

"On that day, I went to the forest to go cohborhood, one by and people were still talking about what happened

Angy alking across that particular street trying to trace Gustav

She had been waiting for Gustav to arrive since she saw hi his apartet sos at the stall that was only three streets away she expected him to have arrived by now

She noticed the people outside their houses talking to some cops

'Why are the cops here?' She wondered as sheon

-"So you can't describe the face of this person?"

-"Officer not only e distant fro too fast for us to see their figures properly and when they stopped , a car arrived instantly to pick up the kidnapper and the boy,"

Angy could hear the discussion between the police officer and one of the people in the neighborhood itness the criy ure, you could tell that it was a kid,"