Chapter 757: I am also brutal, Sheng Li (1/2)
Chapter 757: I a Li and Jian Guozhi after addressing their soldiers caze must have found out that we know he's behind all this We should go straight to his residence and capture him," Jian Guozhi advised hi Li and pushed the door of the roo Li picked up the water jar and poured water over the two glasses
He handed one to Jian Guozhi, who thanked hi a war However, we can lose so ht ht that I would initiate ithout going into a deep investigation He is also aware of ainstLi pronounced and sipped the water
He found the taste odd and put the cup down on the table He walked past Jian Guozhi to reach the other side when his shoulder hit against his and the glass fell froized, before taking off the overcoat and putting it on the chair
They got alerted when they heard the clanking sound of swords
They both glanced at each other and ran out with swords in their hands when saw the smoke that had covered the corridor
"Brother Jian, we need to cover our noses," Sheng Li said and then ran to the opposite direction, where the smoke had not reached Jian Guozhi ran after hi Li looked down the balustrade and found that the entire place was filled with s his nose He looked for Xiao Zhan, but it was irabbed Sheng Li's arm as it was his priority to save the E, we need to leave Your safety is of ut Li with hi the four masked men They had covered their faces well and only their eyes were visible to the Li and Jian Guozhi, who pulled out the swords froze?" Jian Guozhi asked Sheng Li Their backs were touched against each other
"I think so," Sheng Li answered and dodged the attack He bent down and swiftly moved to the left He kicked the masked men and slit his throat with the sharp blade of his sword
Jian Guozhi killed the other two and then told Sheng Li to run ahead as he would take care of the last one
Sheng Li did so and walked ahead to go out of the resthouse It was clear that the attackers had closed the doors and s so that smoke would make them unconscious
He opened theand looked outside "Brother Sheng," Jian Guozhi had coe height," Sheng Li expressed concern and looked around
"The rope is in the room I will fetch it," Jian Guozhi affir Li opined and went again near the balustrade He looked at the curtains hanging at the rope He stood on the wooden railing, cut the rope from one end, followed by the other, and then jumped down
Jian Guozhi helped him tie the rope around the wooden pillar
A few ht with theo
down first
"No You should leave first," Jian Guozhi said ada Li pierced the sword inside the stomach of the attacker and then punched the other one "You leave I will ju Li affirrabbed the rope to get out of the resthouse He juround, waiting for Sheng Li to come
"Your Majesty," Co ones and brought Sheng Li safely near the
"Where's Xiao?" Sheng Li asked and started to cough The s it difficult to breathe
"First, let's jump down, Your Majesty If ill stay here erous for us," Coot out of thesafely, followed by Co Li put his hand dohile Commander Yao removed the mask