Chapter 713: Sheng Li wont die Easily! (1/2)
Chapter 713: Sheng Li won't die Easily!
Jian Guozhi narrowly gazed at Co Jian Guozhi took a good look at Zhe Yan since he had thought to converse with him later
They both halted near an old shop where a few men eapons could be seen They all were dressed in brown robes, with black shades on their cheeks
Co pulled Jian Guozhi behind a wall of the shop adjacent to this one "Your Highness, they are froe It seems they work for…"
"For Lord Lian," Jian Guozhi coh not to get caught in their eyes
"Why are they here?" Jian Guozhi questioned hiain control over the fishsaid
Jian Guozhi stepped forhen Coo close to the would happen to hio inside the shop when a man taller than Jian Guozhi, stopped hio in" Theinside
"Why can I not go inside?" Jian Guozhi peeked in and found an old man surrounded by a few "This is a public shop and as a custoo in," Jian Guozhi pronounced
"This shop is sold to us from this moment You can leave," theat him He tried to intimidate Jian Guozhi but he had no idea that the First Prince had a shorter te to hiized for disturbing them and turned to leave but stopped
"Brother, I heard an announce tax-free if we go on his side?" Jian Guozhi asked hiet the waiver froe taxes exploits most of us, so to prevent the people like us from it, Lord Lian has offered a deal," the man described him
Jian Guozhi looked down at the sword in the man's hand
"Sure!" Jian Guozhi said and bowed before the followed him after a few seconds
"They will take control over the Fish Market soon," Jian Guozhi deduced and infor
"We need to send aand tell His Majesty that I would enter the village where Lord Lian is residing," Jian Guozhi then said in a low voice Co nodded and they were now at the saathered
Jian Guozhi looked for Zhe Yan but could not find him around They searched at a few shops for him, but could not find him Jian Guozhi did not either want to ask anyone as Zhe Ya
n would have gotten skeptical if found later that someone searched for him
They came out of the fish market and strolled in the few other areas of the market Everywhere in the ' had spread