Chapter 678 - Every Superstition, Every Prediction And Every Prayer! (1/2)
Chapter 678 - Every Superstition, Every Prediction And Every Prayer!
Sheng Li brought Ying Lili to the Hall where the Royal Astrologer aiting for theer stood up fros to the E LiLili sit on the throne and then sat down "Please have a seat, Royal Astrologer," He gestured to the chaise He stepped back and took the seat
"Princess Zhu Lin has returned froest an auspicious day for her reed to re Li explained to the Royal Astrologer
"I need General wang's birth inforly I will decide the day, Your Majesty," the Royal astrologer asked humbly
"I ree, the Royal Astrologer needs a perfect birth chart," Sheng Li stated He looked at Xing-Fu and ordered hi the sae day for Prince Wanxi and Princess Zhu Lin By then, Eunuch Xing-Fu will bring the birth chart of General wang," Ying Lili requested The Royal astrologist nodded his head and took out the sheet of astrono
After fifteen er had made the calculation "Your Majesty, there are two days which are best for the e of Prince Wanxi One is after two days while the other is after onethem, the most auspicious day is after oneLili, who asked the Royal Astrologer to tell about the differences in the two days
"Yes, Your Majesty If they get o well, but they can lack Yin-Yang energy in the future In short, Princess Zhu Lin can have difficulty in conceiving in the future," The Royal Astrologer explained to them
"I alsoat the days So, I don't think such factors should be taken into account But then, so Li seeer, Prince Lei Wanxi is eager about his ht annoy him Could you please check the day in between these two days?" Sheng Li requested him
"Your Majesty, it is only about a o with the second date for the better and happy future of Prince Wanxi and Princess Zhu Lin," the Royal Astrologer advised Sheng Li He glanced at Ying Lili and asked her about it
"Prince Wanxi can wait Let's go with the suggestion of the Royal Astrologer," Ying Lili stated Sheng Li acknowledged her decision and agreed with the day
Sheng Li noticed that Ying Lili was yawning "Court Lady Xu, please take the E Li commanded her
"I am not tired Let me--"
"You need sleep, Lili It's nor Li proclaiain Court Lady Xu ca Lili left, the Royal Astrologer asked Sheng Li, "there is another prediction I want to make If His Majesty allows it, can I do that?"