Chapter 480 - It Was The Empress (1/2)

Chapter 480 - It Was The Eements to take the Ministers out of the Courtesan's House Lady Xi was on her knees and deeply bowed before the Crown Prince

"You should have accepted hness Today your words gave me new hope I want to keep this identity and do not want to go away," Lady Ki replied "However, if his highness can give me a reat," asserted Lady Ki

Sheng Li chuckled "You still are flirting with ive you I do not give anything to the wo Li clarified hi Li turned and walked out of the chamber Lady Ki lifted her head and saw the silhouette of the Crown Prince on the wooden sliding door "People rong about the Crown Prince His Highness is a nice person," she radually opened his eyes and found hie room No! It was not a room but more like a hut! His hands and feet were tied to the poles He looked around and saw other fellow Ministers tied on the wooden poles

"Minister Tai!" Xi Feng called his name and tried to wake him up He shouted the names of the other Ministers too, but no one woke up

"Minister Xi, you are so loud! Can't Minister Xi keep his voice low?" Sheng Li's voice echoed in the hut He tilted his head to look but did not find the Crown Prince Only one lantern was glowing,Li showed hi

"Crown Prince, what is this?" Xi Feng confusedly asked Commander Sun had come with a bucket full of water in his hand He threw the water at the faces of the other five ministers, who quickly woke up from the unconsciousness

TheLi picked the sword frohness, hat ar-are you d-doing?" Gao Peng asked with a stutter

"Do not stutter, Minister Gao I will not kill you," Sheng Li replied with a smile

"The Crown Prince shall not do this We are the Court Ministers, and if the Eht have to step down fro

"Minister Xi, do you know, after a fewLi smirked and raised his eyebrow

Tai Jin and the others started to trehness, please do not jo-joke," Tau Jin stated

Sheng Li chuckled "Shall I demonstrate? The Ministers have only heard about my mercilessness, but they never sawLi