Chapter 407 - I Only Care (1/1)

Chapter 407 - I Only Care

In Luoyang, in the early hness, Miss Chuntao is in Village Nyang (Ied by the Ehness Miss Chuntao will get married the next day to a peasant family"

"What?" Nianzu was shocked to hear that He could not believe his father arranged the e of Chuntao in a peasant family However, if he would ask his father, then there were no chances that Han Wenji would agree to his request So, he thought of going to Village Nyang first to meet Chuntao

"Who's the person hom she will marry? Do you know about that?" Nianzu asked hihness It is a ood peasant family," Du Qin answered

"Youratitude "Ahh, could you please tell ?" Nianzu queried

"It was ion where most peasants live" Du Qin bowed and jumped out of the , as he could not use the main door Nianzu, on the other hand, walked out and told Eunuch Chung that he would co did not question his master while Nianzu walked away

He took a horse fro on it In the entire journey to Nyang, his ot filled with not only fear but also insecurities "Will she converse with ht have warned her It is ht By noon, he reached Village Nyang He first left his horse outside the village entrance, tied it to a tree

He kept walking on the route and entered Village Nyang Unlike Shanxi, the village was quite loaded with people He was surprised to see that people enjoyed each other's coe Shanxi The conical hat which he had tied around his neck, he quickly wore it so that people would not get doubtful upon seeing hinize him

He went near a ion where peasants live?" Nianzu humbly inquired from him He saw the man was a little suspicious of hi a peek at his face "My friend shi+fted here a few months back I am a rank 6th officer in the Department of Justice," Nianzu lied and took out a tiny pouch full of coins and willingly showed hiht, then turn left and take one ion where peasants live," the man quickly replied Nianzu opened the pouch and handed hiet the full pouch of money Nianzu thanked hi on the told route and after an hour, he started to see the tiny fields A smile formed on his lips because he was now close to Chuntao The kids were playing, people were leaving for fields in groups, the old people were under a huge banyan tree – conversing with each other The atht made his heart happy

He continued to walk to reach the last house A few keenly looked at hi a coht it near his face after opening it Fifteen ht A smile appeared on his lips and he hastened his steps towards the house

Halting right in front of the house, he looked inside and found Chuntao was seated on the wooden floor of the house while her head was rested against a pillar The smile on his lips faded away as he found that Chuntao cried a lot He closed the fan and walked inside the house

Chuntao tilted her head and was shocked to see Nianzu there "W-what is his highness doing here?" She stuttered and lowered her head Nianzu grasped her hand and took her inside the roohness, it's inappropriate to be inside," She protested when she saw hi the door from inside She did not want any more troubles for her, however, Nianzu did not listen to her

After closing the door, Nianzu put down the hat, and it fell backward, resting on his back The room was quite tiny, with limited space

Chuntao took a step back and lowered her head "Why is his highness here? The Prince has said that he would never er and dejection in Chuntao's tone

"It was necessary," Nianzu answered Chuntao lifted her eyes and aze

"Why are you here? Why did you live in Shanxi?" Nianzu did not reveal the truth as he wanted to hear what Chuntao would answer hi married tomorrow," Chuntao replied

"You loved your parental house You had no intentions ofthis early, then why? Be truthful with ed her

Chuntao's eyes filled with tears If she would tell hiirl has to leave her parental home one day My soon-to-be husband is a nice person He promised me that he would take me to my home whenever I would ask him," Chuntao faked a s to hiroom for you?" Nianzu wanted to kno hbor introduced me to my soon-to-be husband," replied Chuntao She kept the fake shness shall leave If so problems" She humbly requested him

"I do not care what people will say" Nianzu's tone suddenly changed for the first time in front of Chuntao He stepped closer to her and said, "I only care about the person standing in front of azed at each other