Chapter 138 - Not Shameless (1/1)

Chapter 138 - Not Sha a cold water bath, ca a white upper jacket with a long underskirt Her long hair was still hich was hanging below her waist Sitting in front of the mirror, she looked at herself and touched her neck "It was so hot," Ying LiliLi walked in and looked at Ying Lili as also looking at hi Lili asked

"A herbalLi replied and walked to her He put the China dish on the dressing table and stood behind Ying Lili "I will apply," Sheng Li said before Ying Lili could pick it up He took another chair and sat on it beside her

Sheng Liabove the jacket He took a little paste in his fingers and applied the paste gently over the blisters "Your friend seemed reliable I did not know you were prone to heat It is a good thing that you did not get dehydrated" Sheng Li talked with Ying Lili while applying the paste

Ying Lili clutched her skirt tightly as whenever Sheng Li's fingers were touching her skin, she felt a tingling sensation "They aren't anywhere else, right?" Sheng Li questioned Ying Lili who nodded Sheng Li took the cotton towel froers frouo said it needed to be kept for ten oing to be cohted to know about that

"Are you not taking a bath?" Ying Lili queried hi Li replied A smirk appeared on his lips "Want to take a bath withof Ying Lili's eyes

"Huh?" she exclai Li noticed that Ying Lili did not argue with him He took out the fan which he had put inside the sash and started fanning Ying Lili who felt good He was fanningLili's neck to soothe her out

"I will do itYing Lili was looking at Sheng Li's face when she felt how strangely her heart was beating "I aht She was happy that Sheng Li turned gentle and caring for her She did not realize when those tenLi wiped the paste off those blisters and looked at Ying Lili "They will go by theLili as he helped her to wear the robe "Your hair is wet I a Li stood up fro Lili looked at herself in thefor hiely when he touches me What if he found out that I…" She shook her head and patted her cheeks

"Your highness, this maidservant is in your service," a reeted the Crown Princess She dried Ying Lili's hair, which took alo down to the dining room for dinner Please co Lili nodded, and the talked out of the roo roo Hao and others He was s Lili wonder, 'He never suo called out her naized for hisLi threatened Hu Jingguo

"Her highness is my friend I always called her like this This habit will take ti Li

"Then also learn to call her the Crown Princess andLi affir Hao and Xiao Zhan had stood up as the Crown Princess caot up fro Hao asked Ying Lili

"Yes, I a Lili

"Please have a seat," wang Hao told Ying Lili who s table Mu Zuheng came there with a few maidservants and told thehness likes rice noodles a lot," Hu Jingguo said with a suo, that time o ood, but it was not bad," Ying Lili said and laughed with Hu Jingguo wang Hao and Xiao Zhan were also s Li was indifferent

"Jingguo, you can callthe title? I do not like it when you use the title It feels like we are distantly apart," Ying Lili told Hu Jingguo

"Okay, I will call you by your na Lili

"If you two keep talking, I will starve you both tonight and in thetone, then peered at Jingguo "Try talking with her by using her nauo

"What is your proble Lili yanked at Sheng Li

"Shut up! And eat your food wang Hao and Xiao Zhan are my friends but unlike your friend they are not shauo and then looked back at Ying Lili