Chapter 187: Uncovering Ghostsaws Secrets (1/2)

Chapter 187: Uncovering Ghostsaw's Secrets

Merlin immediately checked his quest infor past the wall of text he was already familiar with, he saw a couple of extra lines added to the bottom


[Hidden Mythical Quest]

A door without a key

Within Megalopolis stands several ruins fro a full e spectral film seems to fill the space within the door fra related to theh the door frame, whether that be souls themselves or even soul-infused equiph this door frame has some connection with the Goddess Hecate and the spirit realm Her name is clearly written on the stone frame in what you believe to be ancient Arcadian What is the purpose of the door fraure out a way of opening the mysterious door frame

• Reward: ???


'So It's a portal to the spirit realht' Merlin thought to himself, 'So it's likely that my interest in the door frame is the reason why she has suddenly taken interest in me, and why she requested e likelihood that this has so to do hatever had cut off Hecate's connection with the teht

'She suddenly returned after I ht to hi with the world But that shouldn't be possible, she's a boundary diety'

'There are too many holes in that idea What sort of barrier could stop a boundary God but be slightly inconvenienced by soer?' Merlin shook his head, 'Unless the blade is a little ht But that's doubtful'

"Dalai, as an earththe ht?" Merlin turned and asked Dalai, as busy repairing another statue

"I can Yes" She said while finishi+ng a repair, "Is this important?"

"It's relevant," Merlin said while pulling the Ghostsaw blade out of its sheath, "I would like to see what materials this blade is made from"

Dalai reached out to take the blade from Merlin's hands, but it see close to the blade had caused her to retract her hand in surprise

"It's a little cold to the touch, don't worry," Merlin reassured her while handing the weapon to her oncestatue parts to be reasseht?" Dalai asked

"Of course," Merlin responded

Dalai had picked up the blade properly this ti and focusing her htly in the air

Merlin let her do her thing while he started picking up chunks of rubble

Several ation had come in

"So? How is it?" Merlin asked

"It's a special blade" Dalai said while handing the blade back as quickly as she could, "First of all, it's clearly infused with the soul of a ghost"

"But not only is it infused with the soul of a ghost, but the blade also see affinity for the infused soul," She explained, "You see, it turns out that one-fifth of the blade is refined soul steel, which is why it has such a strong bond with the infused soul, any undead soul would"

'Ahh, that ht to hily to the portal in the first place'