Chapter 177 - The Shattered Sky Update (1/2)

Chapter 177 - The Shattered Sky Update

"Alright, I' to his strea at the sa we'll pay a visit to the wizard college toic in action It'll be fun"

He spent a fewa couple of questions He even gave the audience a backflip due to receiving many requests, but he eventually ended the stream and made his way into the city of Macedonia

He walked through the city,his way down a side street that was both uninhabited and had an entrance into the sewer syste the lock on the iron bar door, Merlin slowly opened it and entered the sewer The stench of bodily waste flooded his senses, but he su out in search of the correct entrance

The sewer syste the correct ladder was proving rather difficult, but he eventually spotted thethat he took notice of earlier

'Oh thank God' Merlin thought to himself He didn't want to spend even a second more in the sewer

Merlin quickly cli on the manhole cover in the rhyth last tih from the other side Merlin returned the last part of the code before he heard a loud clunk sound as theopen

"Ahh, Ghost, welco over the manhole said in a cheerful voice

Merlin climbed up into the dark basement and quickly cast cleanse on hi for the power to teleport," Merlinat the uard

"Yeah, it's not the uard said as he wandered back over to his chair "But it's better than jail, or a guillotine"

"Not by uard

He waved goodbye as he made his way up the staircase into thethe next roo was pleasant Which was quite the contrast when compared to their makeshi+ft entrance

Merlin ain, where he saw the usual faces sitting around at the various tables, all of theh the sea of tables and chairs, greeting everyone as he made his way towards his usual conversation partner, the thief lord

There was an unfaht at the thief lord's table this tihter Fae had joined him for a drink

"Oh, hello there Merlin I haven't got any tasks for you to do if that's why you've come today" The thief lord spoke up "But you're welcome to join us for a drink"

Merlin shook his head and took a seat at the table

"I'ot information" He said, "I encountered a situation similar to the one you described to me when I first joined The sky started to shatter, and a dark void revealed itself underneath"

The elf's expression hardened, and Fae started listening into the conversation

"Go on" The elf muttered

Merlin went on to describe the events that had occurred during his latest quest, but when he mentioned the ressive state, the roars that struck fear into all that heard it and the ht

"I'm not sure if that monster is the cause of these phenomenons or just an inhabitant of that void Either way, it likely has sos happening in this world" Merlin explained

"It does seeht

"Is that the thing that took et her back now that we know this? Do we have to kill that otten her back, even without this" The elf lord rested his hand on his daughter's shoulder, pulling her closer to hi"

「The quest "The shattered sky" has been updated」

"Thanks for this" The elf lord turned to Merlin once est dealers in the city, it won't be long until we can locate and identify Ashen We'll contact you e have ave thehis way back towards the basement

He quickly escaped into the sewers after saying goodbye to the ed into the stinky hellhole that was the sewer syste his way out of the sewers, he quickly pulled up his quest sheet to see what had changed


[Hidden Epic Quest]

The shattered sky

A strange pheno various world-changing events to occur

If you figure out the cause, perhaps you could discover a way to reverse it or at the very least quell some of the issues it has caused