Chapter 111: Goblin Hunting - IV (1/2)

The two spear goblins and one archer had finally approached, and upon noticing Merlin they ie another arrohile weaving through the two spears that were thrust at hih and the arrow barely scratched his cheek

Seeed by this, vines rushed out of Merlin's aroblin while the other forcibly ripped the bow out of its hands and flung it into the forest

Merlin received the notification for cleanse coed two oblins missed Merlin, but decided to slash at his vines instead, forcing them to retract into his body

Cleanse had finished casting, and the filth iftly reoblins both charged at hi it to slide past hi it stumbled forward

Merlin hit the other spear with the handle of his blade and forced it into the ground, only for him to step on it once it had partially buried itself in the forest floor The goblin holding that spear found it near i the brain to let go of the weapon and run, the goblin just stood there struggling as Merlin dug his daggers into its throat, killing it

The other goblin had regained its footing, but once it turned to face Merlin, it too received a pair of daggers to the throat

Merlin sheathed his blades before he grabbed the goblin's spear He saw the archer goblin running towards where he threw the bow, and it seeth, he threw the spear at the goblin The spear arced through the air before eoblin's back The force behind the throw trans face-first into the forest soil

Merlin picked up the other spear that was partially buried in the dirt before he started walking towards the goblin The goblin was slowly crawling towards the bow, but Merlinover the helpless creature, he thrust the spear into its neck, killing it

"That was exhausting" Merlin huffed as he ripped the spears out of the goblin's corpse

Fortunately no other groups had closed in on his position yet, so he pulled a dagger out and began chopping ears off He roups too, such as the shi+eld goblin he killed first He threw everything in his inventory before casting cleanse on himself once more

「Goblin Ears Collected: 70/140」

"We're half way there" Merlin mumbled to himself, he seemed to have found hie tree and sat on one of the lower branches while he caught his breath If a group wandered around his location, not only would he be able to see them better, but he'd have the option of a surprise attack if they got too close Unless of course one of the goblins just so happened to spot him up in a tree, and it seeh for that sort of thing

A fewhad returned to norh his body once roup sloandered into his area, and they noticed the corpses of their tribe scattered around the forest floor There was one archer, tordsmen one of which had a shi+eld, and a spear wielder

Merlin, who currently held two spears in his aroblins wander around the area He wanted to deal with the shi+eld bearer first, but the archer would also be an issue, and unfortunately the shi+eld wielding goblin didn't have any intention of wandering under his tree branch

The next fight started with the archer goblin being removed from combat immediately, two spears thrown in quick succession caused the archer to drop to the ground as a corpse Merlin began chanting his heavy strike skill as the reoblins turned to face him

「Skill ⟪Heavy Strike⟫ Activated, your next attack will do an extra 30 daer effect」

Merlin leapt off the tree branch in the direction of the shi+eld bearer The spear goblin got prepared to intercept him, but Merlin quickly sent his vines out to hook around another tree branch, allowing hi outside of the spear's reach

The shi+eld bearer braced himself behind the shi+eld as Merlin quickly closed the distance Merlin's next swing increased hishim to put as round, Merlin stole of heavy strike trigger

The shi+eld goblin was pushed back several steps Merlin landed and used this opportunity to rush at it, but the goblin quickly regained a defensive position behind its shi+eld

Two vines rushed out of Merlin's body and thrust towards the goblin They barely avoided the goblin's sword strike as they latched onto the shi+eld and tried ripping it away, but it seeo

Fortunately, his vines trying to rip it away gave hioblin's defences that he could slip his blades past the shi+eld Merlin's blades quickly found their target, the goblin's throat, and it dropped dead oblins rushed him from behind, but Merlin dealt with the the last goblin

「Congratulations, your soul "Class Soul: Fighter (Level 1)" has levelled up」

"Well it's about time" He quietly rehter soul was one of the least pickiest souls when it came to specific weapon requires or using the skills provided by it