Chapter 102: Translation Complete (1/2)

"Classics?" sobnny mumbled to herself, but eventually dropped it when she noticed Typhoeus approach "Hey Ty, hoas the trip?"

Typhoeus playfully flipped her the bird before collapsing against a wall, he see?" Merlin asked the instructor

"Well, Bunny here finished about an hour ago, she's a natural She'll quickly grow to be as good as you" Pelear praised sobnny before he turned to face Typhoeus, "Scythe boy however, well he's got lead blocks for feet"

Merlin laughed at his assess about his friend's progress, a er caation rooe red alert box appeared in front of hie from the devs!]

Group one, there is only one hour left for today's session, you will receive another notification when it's ti out

If you do not leave by that time you will be forcibly disconnected, pleaseout


Merlin waved the ay as he followed the ation rooside a clean stack of paper and various writing i nearby just in case he required anything else

Merlin sat down and began his work He started by translating each sheet into co the symbols of any word he couldn't understand And after about thirty minutes had passed, he was done with the translation He spent the rest of his ti a dictionary of the iving the ht assist thee

Coe that most allied sentient races coe of hu of cultures, it slowly began incorporating words from other cultures over time, mostly Elven and Dwarven

All otherworlders were ingrained with the highest level understanding of coe player usually only learnt a handful of other languages at the basic level during their years of playing, while very few players like Merlin took it as a challenge to collect the that it was almost time to leave Another red alertappeared before hie from the devs!]

Group one, your session will end in fiveout

The server will forcibly disconnect those who do not log out in time Thank you


Only now did Merlin realise that the text on the alert boxes had changed Now that they weren't the only group playing, the logout warnings were tailored to each group and sent out at different tiht, I've finished" Merlin alerted the et the boss quickly"

The er ran out, and a few ation room, he seemed to be in a hurry Merlin quickly handed hi a notification to appear before him

「You have completed the quest, "Otherworldly Translator", rewards have been delivered」

"What's the matter? Why the rush?" The elf asked with a hint of curiosity

"Uh, how do I explain" Merlin"Basically, I'm about to lose connection with this world and teht, is it that tiued Fortunately the elf was interested in all aspects of otherworlders, so he are of this phenomenon already "I've heard lots of ru in flashes of white light"