Chapter 96: The Vampires Crypt - II (1/2)

The rest of the group followed Merlin inside, everyone ary of the ghouls Zankoku and Alvira jumped in fear every time they heard chains rattle They made sure to keep their distance, but even then they didn't feel safe here

"What kind of ain while looking around

The roost the handful of live ghouls chained up along the ere a couple dead ghouls, they appeared to have been carved up by several of the torture i around the roohouls hanging on the wall, its eyes were sunken and its chin was covered in blood But unlike the other ghouls in the room, its skin didn't seem entirely decayed, and this one almost had a full head of hair, whereas the others were all bald or balding Merlin's curiosity grew as he stared at this creature, it just didn't seeust, Merlin began poking around the body The nearby ghouls were sla to attack hiainst their chains Merlin inspected the ghoul's corpse, his eyes locked onto the ghoul's neck, where he saw a bruise that seee hand

"Odd, ould so to tame it" Merlin mumbled out loud

His eyes hovered up towards its jahich was covered in blood, and to Merlin's surprise it see down its face After a few seconds of inspecting the corpse he realised that the jaw had been broken, and there were re scent of vomit Merlin wasn't certain but the food seemed to be human remains, which made him feel sick to his stomach

He pulled away froht of all strange aspects about it, and then so suddenly clicked in his houls So them" Merlin mumbled to himself "They've been force fed human remains and tortured This is solowing item within a nearby pile of torture implements, and when he walked up to it he noticed that it was a knife Merlin picked the knife up and inspected the stats on it, causing an informationto appear before him


[Torturer's Blade (Uncoe: +6

• Chance to inflict bleeding: +14


"Oh hey, this is pretty good" Merlinnot to take any of the weapons that they looted He walked over to Alvira and handed her the blade "This knife fits your aesthetic pretty well, check the stats"

In the end it seeive it to Alvira, he could always find better weapons down the line but he couldn't replace trust Merlin wasn't keen on losing an ally because of his own greed

Alvira took the weapon happily, she ier for the torturer's blade and swung it around a bit before thanking Merlin

"What should we do about the ghouls?" Zankoku asked He had his sword drawn and seeh they were chained up

"All the ghouls here arekidnapped Unfortunately I don't think there's a way to turn thehouls, it's best to put theroup spent the next couplesthe rest of the room There wasn't much else of value left in the roo that showed up

The group went back into the room full of skeletons and made their way over to the left side of the room this time Alvira decided that she wanted to try what Merlin showed her, and while laser focused on her task, she decided that there were no traps without consulting Merlin before i the door open

Fortunately for the party, there were no traps on the other side of the door But on the other hand, they suddenly caught the attention of everyone within the next rooht illuminated the next room, he saw four human-shaped creatures that he quickly identified to be va various tasks around the roohouls that were locked away in ere essentially reinforced dog cages

The vaht source, i around the door frao!" Alvira shrieked with excitement as she quickly roup folloith their weapons drawn, Merlin included

Two of the vaer, but the other tere barehanded

One of the barehanded vae towards Alvira with its claws out But unfortunately for the vae war ha to the opposite end of the roorunt as he lifted the war hammer back onto his shoulder