Chapter 31: Snap back to reality. (1/2)

Merlin walked around the dungeon while looking for any loot drops hehe eventually gave up, assuh the tunnel he ca the room he started the fire in

As he walked into the roo down to the cave floor This scene brought back memories of the previous timeline, the soot was re into dust upon contact

Merlin covered his face as he walked through the cave He quickened his pace as hetunnels, until eventually there was faint sunlight creeping in from around the corner

He turned the corner and was finally met with the cave mouth Merlin brushed off the soot that had landed on hih the forest for aor anyone until he escaped the treeline and entered the wild hare's spawning grounds

As he walked through the field on his way to the village, he noticed that there were less players far the wild hares now It seeer quests, oblins in the forest

Merlin started walking towards the barracks as soon as he reached the village, he passed by a couple players who see to every NPC they saw A few moments later he arrived at the barracks

As he entered the barracks, he saw that there was only a handful of players left fighting the training duotistical of the players had either learnt their place and conforave up and abandoned the quest Merlin approached General Perakeles, who turned to face him

"I see you were successful with your mission" General Perakeles spoke up as a wide smile formed on his face "My soldiers are ready to eneral finished talking, a notificationappeared before Merlin

「Congratulations, you are now level 2」

The quest was finally over, Merlin excused hi out of the barracks, there wasn't much time left until the servers closed for the day He intended on far shi+eld kills on the wild hares until the server closed He ran towards the field, when he arrived he i sure to finish every kill with his shi+eld A short while later, he received a notification inforratulations, your title, "The Best Defence (Beginner)" has been upgraded to, "The Best Defence (Novice)"」

He checked the stats of his new title, aappeared


[The Best Defence (Novice)]

It takes hits, but soe: +10

Upgrade Requirements: shi+eld Kills (0/50)


Merlin continued far twenty-three kills to his new title He was about to continue when a red notification box appeared before hie from the devs!]

The server will shut down in fiveout

The server will forcibly disconnect those who do not log out in time

Thank you