Chapter 25: The Fighter Soul. (1/2)

Race souls were usually special drops from monsters, the rarity of the drop depended on what type of s a player needed to earn one was patience and a little bit of luck

Race souls were themed around the creature it was naave to the player varied

Sos such as raw stat bonuses, like strength or agility, or just bonuses in specific aspects, such as stealth or critical dae Other possible bonuses could be racial traits, passive abilities or even active abilities

Then there was also the possibility of soe, such as horns, elf ears, scales, or in the wild hare soul's case, rabbit ears

The wild hare soul was generally regarded as a weak soul, but it was good at early levels for characters that focused on ility, as well as the visual aspect of rabbit ears

A crowd forirl, it looked like most were familiar with her but there were a couple outsiders ere just curious bystanders While those who didn't approach her looked on in envy, soet a soul to drop too

Merlin walked away froe's border Without wasting any tie, he ran directly towards the barracks Upon arrival, he noticed that there was still a crowd around the doorway, although it was much smaller than when he left

Merlin pushed his way through the croith little difficulty, due to his strength stat being higher than everyone in the crowd Some attempted to push back but they were quickly overpowered

When he finally entered the training grounds, the first thing he witnessed was an ar dummies plotted around the field Most of which had a furious expression, it seemed they had earned themselves the punish at these players, various insults and obscenities flew out of his er the players iven, only earned The barracks were a tough challenge for those who believed they were inherently above others due to the fortunate circumstance they were born into

"I see you were successful" As Merlin approached, General Perakeles turned to face him, his voice dropped the hostility it previously had towards the other players, although it was still so "Here are your rewards, as promised"

A couple notifications appeared within Merlin's vision

「Congratulations, you are now level 1」

「You have ehter (Level 1)"?」

Merlin waved away the level up notification and then accepted the second notification box An infor his new soul


Class Soul: Fighter • Level 1

Bonus Stats: +2 Strength, +1 Agility

Abilities: ⟪Heavy Strike⟫

Origin Soul Bonuses: +1 Strength, +2 Agility, ⟪Sucker-punch⟫


After glancing at the information, a new notificationappeared

「"Class Soul: Fighter (Level 1)" has been successfully absorbed Your origin soul slot is still ein soul?」

Most souls in New Genesis had additional abilities and bonuses that could only be accessed if the soul was set as the origin soul Origin soul was just a fancy way of saying main soul, the soul that your character drew the ranted the basic bonuses No matter how many soul slots you opened, only one soul could be set as the origin soul

If you only had one soul slot open, any soul you equip would autoin If you had all seven slots open and filled each slot while refusing to set the souls as the origin, then the seventh soul you absorb would autoin

You could swap the origin around or even ree if you wished Any soul you removed would be added to your soul bank, and could be accessed again through the soul receptacle

Merlin accepted the pro a success notification in response, then he checked out his new abilities

「"Class Soul: Fighter (Level 1)" has been successfully set as your origin soul」

The first ability he checked was the core ability of the class, the ability he'd get regardless of the soul's origin status


⟪Heavy Strike⟫

You enhance your attacks with the full weight of your body

• Your next attack does an extra 30 daer effect

• 20 second cooldown

• Can be used with any melee weapon and unarmed


It was a solid early ability, especially for those who played with support frorew more powerful as you levelled the soul up, and it was versatile, it benefited all ardless of your weapon of choice
