Chapter 0: Herbarium (List of Plants) (1/1)

Here is a list of all the plants currently featured in the story and their effects This rass - A grain-like plant that looks aluishable from wheat Consumption of the plant, whether that be raw, brewed or in the fore of unpleasant effects Thedeliriunature sy frolove - A plant with a long stem that sprouted several bell-shaped purple flowers The inside layers of the purple bell-shaped flower have several discoloured spots Consuular heart function and death Weaker doses of this plant's poison will cause other unpleasant effects, such as an upset stomach, blurred vision and us that has the appearance of a gold-coloured spider's web It grows high on trees, and although it looks like a spider's web, it isn't sticky enough to ensnare creatures Itsblood frorass - A small leafy plant that becomes a red paste when crushed It restores essential vitamins like iron back into the body when consumed and helps with blood production The plant's leaves can absorb blood like a sponge, draining it of its nutrients before puh its roots

Liliox - A white lily-like plant that can be crushed or brewed into a tea, it has aeffect Can counteract the symptoms of weaker poisons that only cause upset stoe pink petals When the petals are crushed, they leak a sliel akin to aloe vera, which when applied to a burn will cool the area and a Ifeffect

Vurdole - A sle small yelloer The leaves, when crushed, provide a sht citrus taste And when consumed; whether that be mixed in a potion, brewed as a tea or eaten whole The flower provides a large dose of essential vitaan function, as well as reduces inflathens the irey seeds with a wrinkly surface, these seeds can be crushed into a powder and nificantly amplifies the effects of other plants it is ent to balance it out, it may cause an overdose

Alane-like white petals When the petals are crushed and redients, it reduces their effects This plant ent for I plants

White horehound - A plant with a long grey-ish sterows several bulbs covered in s one of these bulbs will cause the user to iested Chewing on the plant's leaves, or brewing them in tea, causes a decrease in inflame stalk plant that grows fluffy white flowers that look like white moths (I won't tell you what it does just yet~)

Yew - A tall, evergreen tree Most parts of the plants are poisonous, and the consue can result in death Yew needles and berries can be extracted from the tree and used in a variety of deadly poisons