696 Chapter 696 Fire Qilin“s eyes (1/2)

696 Chapter 696 Fire Qilin“s eyes

The Fire Qilin!

Stunned looks appeared on Jiang Chen's and the rest's faces when they heard the words 'Mythic rankabout the classification of eneral idea of how rare a 'Mythic rank' ic beast was considered to be, even in the Iic beast in the cultivation world was considered a 'coly low nu theic beasts were rare even in the Ily difficult to capture Even high-leveled experts in the I their hands on an 'elite-rank' ic beasts those were top-rate ic beasts at the sa Chen's bloodline originated from Even an entire ile 'Mythic rank' h to understand how terrifying 'Mythic rank' h there were other disciples who possessed I the bloodline of a 'Mythic rank' ether

After all, it wasn't just the bloodlines of ic beasts that cultivators could inherit

There were other types of irade bloodlines as well

If one's ancestor was an extremely powerful expert who had even becoed to have a child in the cultivation world right before ascending to the Immortal Dimension, then that expert's bloodline would also be considered an irade bloodline

This was the rade bloodlines in the Immortal Dimension as well

Of course, those situations were extremely rare in the cultivation world, but they still existed nonetheless

A n in her surprise as she looked at Shun Long and asked curiously

''Long-ge, then, does this Yang Hui also have an iic beast?''

Xingyi, Jiang Chen, and Bai Longtian, all looked at Shun Long as well

The same question had appeared in theirwas the only one who see those ic beasts fro Hui had shown his face, everyone had seen that those triangle-shaped red-colored eyes of his hadn't disappeared at all

The one as theChen

Jiang Chen knew that his own body and even Shun Long's body would both change when they activated their i theo back to normal as they needed to replenish their lost blood essence

But Yang Hui didn't seem to have any issue like that

Was it possible for so?

Shun Long shook his head confidently as he looked at Liu Mei and answered

''He doesn't have the bloodline of a Mythic rank ic beast in his body but he doesn't need it either In a certain sense, the strength that he gets froth that he would get from any powerful unique physique

The Fire Qilin's eyes allow one to control the eleree