649 Chapter 649 The rewards for the top 1000 (2/2)

Elder Sun nodded his head before he answered with a smile on his face

''The rewards for the top 1000 will indeed be slightly different compared to the previous years Especially the rewards for the top 500!''

With that same smile on his face, Elder Sun then continued

''Those who e to enter the top 1000 in the Martial Roll of Honor will not only obtain a corade cultivation technique or martial skill from the sect, but they will also be allowed to enter the second floor inside the Golden Treasures Hall! I am sure that most of you understand the difference in the quality of the items inside the first and the second floor in the Golden Treasures Hall so I don't need to explain this! At the sas will not have to pay a fee every time they enter the Dao Tower in the Holy city either!''

Elder Sun's words were like a bolt of lightning that struck the le outer disciple

Indeed, the rewards this time were so much better than those from the previous years that many disciples couldn't even believe this

Those who entered the top 1000 in the previous years during the Martial Roll of Honor tournarade cultivation technique or martial skill

However, normally, only those disciples who had entered the top 100 in the Martial Roll of Honor, or inner court as well as the core disciples would be allowed to enter the second floor inside the Golden Treasures Hall

Even the personal disciples of the inner court Elders weren't allowed to enter the second floor until they reached the top 100 rankings or they beca was stunned by this, causing his eyes to light up

He clearly rele stalk of 'five-elerass', he had most likely taken it from the second floor of the Golden Treasures Hall

Shun Long believed that even if there were no rank 7 medicinal herbs on the second floor of the Golden Treasures Hall, even the rarest of rank 6 medicinal herbs wouldalso understood that their price would also be extrehtest

After all, he wasn't afraid of spending sect points or spirit stones

What he was afraid of was not being able to buy the treasures that he wanted to buy

Elder Sun seemed satisfied when he saw the reaction of those disciples in the crohile his lips curved up even further as he continued, his next words shocking not just the nor the crowd, but even those in the top 500 and thosethe eyes

''However, those who et those rewards In addition to that they will also obtain 1000 high-grade spirit stones!''