636 Chapter 636 Shun Long making a move (1/2)

636 Chapter 636 Shun Long 's eyes instantly narrohile a dense aura of killing intent appeared around him in the next moment as he stared at 'senior brother Ma' in front of hiardless of whether this person was also a personal disciple of Elder Mao Jing and was considered Xingyi's senior brother, since he dared to tell him to scram out of the inner court or he would personally cripple his ar wouldn't tolerate

Liu Mei, Jiang Chen, and Bai Longtian, all stepped forward as well the moment that they heard this, while their cultivation at the middle of rank 7 and the peak of rank 7 in the Nascent Soul exploded out from their bodies at the sa ly, Xingyi was actually the first one toman in front of her and shouted coldly, before the shadow-like tentacles around her body shot towards 'senior brother Ma' at full speed

And yet, 'senior brother Ma' simply snorted as his cultivation at the peak of rank 8 in the Nascent Soul exploded outwards before he waved his hand, causing a wall of fla his body and protected hiyi's shadows

It didn't yi's shadows attacked the wall of flah it

''Tsk Junior sister Xingyi would really attack me for this brat?''

The look in 'senior brother Ma's' eyes turned even angrier as he stared at Shun Long as actually walking towards hiyi's sudden outburst towards hiet was Shun Long

''Xingyi, step back I will take care of this 's cold voice resounded in everyone's ears as he calmly walked towards 'senior brother Ma' whose body was still enveloped in a wall of flayi nodded her head and retreated backwards, while her shadows returned back to her body

Liu Mei and the rest all si, but their eyes stared coldly at the peak rank 8 Nascent Soul youngin front of the Refine men behind 'senior brother Ma' looked at hi, should I take care of this kid?''

Staring at Shun Long as still approaching 'senior brother Ma Ming' cal man whose cultivation was at the peak of rank 7 in the Nascent Soul finally asked as he took a step forward

But the hooked-nosed youngshook his head and shouted

''Back off!''