Chapter 235 - 235 Terrifying pressure (1/2)

Chapter 235 - 235 Terrifying pressure

Shun Long tried to raise his head, but that was the only movement that he could do

A few hundred meters ahead of hiold runes covering its walls, while its gigantic palace gates were thousands of ates there were 2 enorates the warriors, covered in armor that seemed to have been made from some kind of silver

The statues' facial features were similar to humans', however, the difference was, that each statue also had a pair of gigantic silver wings on their backs

Each of theh they were just statues, Shun Long had a feeling that he was staring at 2 enormous monsters




Cracking sounds were heard fro's body in rapid succession

The pain of his bones being crushed under the terrifying pressure around hih his body had already reached the middle of rank 3 in body refinement, it still couldn't endure the enor his bones to dust

The 'Monarch's Eternal body' then started to circulate by itself, as a gentle power had started to quickly heal Shun Long's fractured bones

And yet, the all-enco pressure around him continued to destroy his bones at an even faster rate than before

Even the healing from the 'Monarch's Eternal body' that had reached the e, couldn't keep up with the speed that Shun Long's bones were being destroyed

Gritting his teeth, Shun Long activated the 'Monarch's Hourglass', as 81 bright balls of qi appeared above his head

Circulating the qi inside his qi balls, he then covered his body fro pressure around him

As soon as he covered hi pressure drastically reducing in intensity

The healing of the 'Monarch's Eternal body' now far outstripped the destructive power of the pressure around him

And yet, the qi inside the 81 balls of qi in the 'Monarch's Hourglass', was being drained at an alar rate

The 'Monarch's Eternal body' however, was auto the pressure around Shun Long to te felt iain, he still gritted his teeth as he endured the process

He knew that his body was autoth and adapt to the environ took out sootten fro, and consumed them one by one