Chapter 226 (1/2)

Chapter 226

Max’s face was losing color rapidly and seeing this, Yulysion kept his words fir happens to the Lady, iine how heartbroken Lord Calypse would be Please, be understanding”

“But… But…”

Max’s face twisted in pain and conflict She clutched the shekel in her pocket The ihouls and their rotten black flesh flashed before her eyes She didn’t want to end up like that Max was coain, however, she wasn’t the only one feeling that Idcilla had an older brother who cherished her, and the priestesses too They all had fa for them Even the soldiers, she didn’t want the eyes

“Then at least so-some of them…we must take with us Even just soo back It will only add to the chaos”

Garrow shook his head firmly Their faces were as conflicted and distorted as hers “We do not wish to leave like this either, but please understand our decision For us, Lord Calypse’s orders are above all else”

“Inside the ca-castle, there’s a noble lady frohteen… she orried about her brother, so she followed hi to meet him…”

Yulysion’s expression seemed to break for a o back now Please forgive us However, your safety is most important to us”

“I-I’m not that important of a person! I’m not as no-noble as you all think…!”

At her sudden burst, Max sobbed and she couldn’t utter a word properly Garroas confused by her outburst, but sighed and pulled on the reins

“We don’t have ti nearby We need to get out of the canyon before they discover us”

As he led her horse forward by the reins, the horse followed obediently She forced herself to s the grief and her worries as they dragged her with them Ruth, who always coardless Idcilla, who always pretended to be strong, but actually had a soft heart And Hebaron and the other priestesses, ere all unconsciously affectionate towards her… all their faces flashed through her mind

Even if I return and stay in the castle, nothing will change I will just becohoul whom the allied forces have to defeat later on

Max uilt of running away alone She closed her eyes tightly and silent tears ran down her face She felt helpless and heavy guilt weighed her heart down

Think about Riftan You promised him That you will be safe You said to hi reckless…

However, the tears would not stop spilling as they fled the dark forest in silence She kept looking back She thought she could hear the sounds of screa in the distance, or uilty conscience

“… I think we have to change our route” Yulysion, as leading them silently, suddenly spoke He looked at Max’s tear-stained face and his expression grew grihtened his face then resuroup ofnearby We need to find another route”

“How many?” Asked Garrow in a serious tone

“Thirty… No, about forty”


Yulysion shook his head and looked out clairvoyantly into the forest covered in darkness “They are likely to be kobolds or ro into them”

Garrow spurred his horse then handed the reins back to Max and spoke to her sternly “There’s really no going back now Please, cals and kindly follow us”

Max could barely contain her tears and nodded Yulysion took the initiative again and led his horse at a gallop As they ran down the road, she struggled to regain her composure That was not the time to cry like a little child, she couldn’t risk the lives of Yulysion and Garrow

“This way We’re going to cross the gorge on this trail here”

Yulysion pointed up the steep mountain path The so-called trail was narrow and buh to be even called a path and Max estimated that it would take about twenty minutes for them to escape the woods and onto the main road

“Must we… climb up this slope?”

“It see north of here in case the people inside abandon the castle and escape I think it will be difficult to turn around We ht east”

“B-But… if there are e… then maybe…”

Yulysion shook his head “There’s no reason for monsters to scatter their troops Even if there are monsters up ahead, they would probably be just scouts Garrow and I can both handle that easily”

“I will lead from now on I have more experience with mountainous terrain”

Garow came up the trail first on horseback, and Max followed hi steep incline Her entire body was strained and she sweated profusely, her breathing was heavily labored The walk up the trail seemed endless, but they finally made it to the top and she saw the whole view of Ethylene from above Her back stiffened, a faint roar echoed in the air

“… shi+t…”