Chapter 164 (1/2)
Chapter 164
Translator – LF
Proofreader – Ny between subracial hly intelligent lizardan raiding villages According to e heard just before we departed from Livadon, the troll army looted even a fairly vast territory in the north “
“A large-scale alliance between the ht’s eyes widened, but Max’s as well at the absurd news
“Let’s say the monsters did form an alliance At best, it will be at the level of a se In all e ar deep into the Paent does, without us being aware of it”
Max becaht’s serious narration Her body trembled in horror as tre huination Even Lo the severity of the situation
“Is your infor around, it hasn’t been confirmed What’s certain is that a oblins have begun to do planned ransacks”
Gabel pondered, stroking his chin “Do you think Livadon can handle the situation?”
The young knight anxiously shook his head, his eyes squinting, for wrinkles on his face
“I think there is a high possibility that each country in the seven kingdohts”
“If it comes to that, then it is Whedon, their alliance in the west, which will be first called for reinforcehts will go on an expedition to Livadon?”
Max, as listening intently to their conversation, suddenly interrupted She knew that the topic was so she should not intervene with, but she felt impatient and couldn’t help but ask It was only then that Gabel noticed how pale her complexion was and shook his head quickly
“The Rehts barely returned last year after a three-year expedition Even if there is a call for reinforcehts, they’ll be the ones dispatched
“There’s no guarantee about that According to the wizards, this phenoration occurred because of the evil ar in Pamela Plateau, which swept the northern area It’s a serious problem that concerns the western continent Obviously, even Anatol will be called for reinforcements We have to prepare”
“We’ll discuss the lared at the young knight asn’t able to read the roo to put an end to the conversation for her sake and got up in a hurry
“He s-see first”
“I will accompany you to your rooo by myself”
“I insist You need an escort even inside the castle”
Sir Gabel firmly responded and quickly walked towards the door Max instructed Sir Loain when he returned, as there was a possibility that there was leftover venoht’s quarters The sun had set and the sky was tinted with a scarlet-orange shade
“I heard that milady suffered from excessive mana depletion the other day Is your condition bad?”
“I-it was nothing You don’t have to worry… I won’t pass out again”
Gabel leaned down and carefully examined her face Only when he saw that her coly and continued to walk
As they walked silently side by side, Max gazed anxiously at the distantthe news of an arer afford to get stuck in the past when there were so ly felt the need to prepare herself for it Just like today, someone could suddenly be poisoned or fatally injured, and in cases like that it was her that could answer pleas for help It was her ht fro his arms forever
Riftan had said he didn’t need her help, but that wasn’t the case today There is also soht desperately Her father instilled in her countless ti, but she proved hi today
No It wasn’t only that day Since she cas and iave up all of that now, she would never escape her lifelong sense of inferiority She would just be an incompetent failure for the rest of her life, just like her father said Max, as taking her steps with a thoughtful face, had a resolute glint in her eyes
Riftan didn’t return to their rooht by the young knight during their expedition in Livadon all night long She had decided to wait for him to return and ask Riftan’s plans for the future, but after long hours of waiting, she beca her ue she felt Max, who laid down on the bed, at some point fell asleep like she had fainted
By the tih up in the sky Her shoulders drooped as she saw the e the territory, road constructions, and even monsters…why can’t the world leave hed deeply, grasping her hair that was fluffy as a cloud with her right hand
“Milady, are you awake?”