Chapter 63 The Legend of the Oak Tree (1) (1/2)
Chapter 63 – The Legend of the Oak Tree (1)
Ruth pointed towards the steep hill beyond theWhile she knew about the Legend of Uigru, it was still a tale novel to her ears It was every boy and girl’s bedtiru a holy sword and he put an end to the dark hile uniting the western world and establishi+ng the Kingdo it, the awe didn’t wane the slightest
In fact, the scene in which he rode a white dragon and flew into the sky was so famous that it served as an inspiration to listened at the fact that the celebrated and sacred spot was right in front of her
“I-is that tr-true?”
It was a curious question on her part, for the epic tale of a bygone era seemed to have come alive before her eyes She could almost feel the air, the fervor and the exultation as if she were a part of it all
“People of Anatol believe so, but there is no historical evidence” He added
And with that, the exciterown up on, was now a sacrahout
“Bu-but what do-does that have to d-do with the o-oak tree?”
“You know the part where Uigru, the hero, made love to the spirit of an oak tree People believe that the spirit still waits for Uigru to return Wo festival each year and sing the spirit’s song of love
“S-so that’s why th-they ould ne-never take do-down the tr-tree”
Ruth nodded
Max considered his explanation Regardless, the tree was still hideous to be standing in front of the main entrance of the castle
“Wo-would the se-servants re-rebel i-if I order them to re-reru quite a lot, so they won’t be satisfied with your decision”
She frowned at the ru Ruth deeply sighed at the sight of an agonizing Max
“I can try bringing it back to life”
“Ca-can you br-bring a de-dead tree ba-back to li-li-life?”
“A plant’s life is very different from a human’s It may seem dead, yet, in so soo into the details “I can’t guarantee you, but at least you can say you hired a wizard to bring a tree back to life If the results aren’t great, you can show the servants that you at least tried”
Max stiffened at his harsh tone