Chapter 26 Decadent Nights (1/2)
Chapter 26 – Decadent Nights
Riftan’s face visibly loosened “All right then I’ my horse from now on Call e door before him
After some time, of which Max tried to seat herself conaled the wheels were lanced at every passing scenery at the , finding the expansive wheat field drift away fro trees The sunlight crept through the leaves, bathing the place in gold, akin to the soft threads of a woven veil
Meanwhile, the knights e in theanother monster to make a sudden appearance from the woods Contrary to her concerns, the journey this time was smooth and quiet It was soon her constant apprehension of e that drained her physical strength It didn’t help when the road still didn’t get better after some time
Minutes passed by slowly, and it was unkno e that had beenti the door and uttering the words she wanted to hear badly
“We’ll take a break here”
Max skipped out of the carriage all too eagerly In no tione stiff fro sensation settled on her legs, she sed a groan and bent over to rub sos
Riftan then took off his thick overcoat and placed it over a rock, sitting her on it as if it were a cushi+on Without waiting for Max’s reaction, of which he kneould be of refusal, he knelt on one knee and began to e her cramped muscles
With an embarrassed face, Max hurriedly looked around So their horses water to drink stood away, their sights on anything but them… but Max could see the unmistakable astonishment on their faces
Max pushed Riftan’s shoulders away, her cheeks turning scarlet red “Ri-riftan, oh, g-goodness! You don’t have to I-I’ht…”
“Is it a habit?” he asked out of the blue
Riftan wrapped her calf around the heainst the cloth With a low voice, he ht… Don’t be afraid to talk”
Max couldn’t figure out by what habit Riftanor the tis on her own in fear of being a nuisance Whatever of the tarmth blossomed inside her chest
Unable to find the proper words, her sights trailed down at his strong hands carefully pressing her legs All the while, she busied herself studying the tendons that ran along the length of his buff ar so nice totickled in her sto clothing with the wrong fitting
“Oh, now I’ out from his hold, Riftan barely moved before she rose from her seat in visible fluster Her hands pretended to straighten her skirt for no reason
“…I’ll bring you so to eat, so rest for now”