1834 Chapter 1834 why did I hear that he was not single (1/2)
1834 Chapter 1834 why did I hear that he was not single
Gu Yan could not help but raise the corners of her mouth when she heard doctor Chen’s honest words
Gu Yan liked straightforward people
Otherwise, she would not have becoh she would not beco such a colleague as a companion for the rest of the journey would at least beNa, Su Jin ‘an, and the others
“But Xiao Gu, you’re also a You actually dared to speak ill of Su Jin ‘an Do you know that many female doctors and nurses in the hospital like him?”
This was the second point that doctor Chen found Gu Yan
After all, whether it was Su Jin ‘an’s personal ability, appearance, personality, or his background as an overseas student, he would be the number one bachelor in Mildred Star Hospital
If she hadn’t gotten o, she would have fallen in love with him
Gu Yan blinked “What does it have to do with me that they like hi bachelor in Our Hospital”This point was already publicly acknowledged in the hospital
However, the corners of Gu Yan’s htly
Her smile was a little cold
“Oh, why did I hear that he’s not single?”
“What? !”Doctor Chen was stunned
Even the other fourto their conversation could not help but lean closer to thele doctors here!
Actually, there were le feroup of women had their eyes fixed on Su Jin ‘an!
If Su Jin ‘an wasn’t single