1712 Chapter 1712 children are the most innocent (1/2)
1712 Chapter 1712 children are the most innocent
If Gu Yan knew that Guan Yujue was thinking this way, she would definitely say in all seriousness, “How did I attract your attention? Can I change it?”?
Naturally, Gu Yan did not know about all this, but her instincts told her that it was better to stay away fro its end In the past few days, Guo Rou, Wen Jing, and Liang Xiaoyun took turns to report
Actually, Gu Yan’s injuries had all healed, but the chief officer wanted her to recuperate She took advantage of this time to borrow a lot of books to read
In the quiet afternoon, the sun shone through the glass When Wen Jing ca
“Weren’t you a straight-a student when you were in school? Why do you still need to study?”This girl still spoke rudely
Gu Yan did not look up “You’ll live to learn Do you understand? To think that you have such a high IQ Moreover, I haven’t graduated yet”
“Didn’t you coraduation thesis?”Wen Jing leaned over and looked at Gu Yan curiously “Gu Yan, is your son studying in the Galactic Alliance Eleh School Now?”
“He should be in pri was smart, but it was up to hirade or not
Gu Yan planned to give hi environment and let him decide what he wanted to beco was very surprised when she heard that “Aren’t you worried that he’s crooked? Also, didn’t you say that he’s very smart? Why is he still in primary school now?”
“Of course he’s in primary school I don’t know if he’s crooked in the future Anyway, he’s not crooked now”Gu Yan thought for awith a look of disdain “My Son is s
Did this mean that she wasn’t sensible?
Actually, it was also strange Every ti caer But the next day, she would co if this girl had masochistic tendencies