1672 Chapter 1672 why is the Black Angel Here (1/2)
1672 Chapter 1672 why is the Black Angel Here
Planet B, 3:47 aree could not do anything for the ti them would not be beneficial to them
The two sides were in a stale beard He was in his forties, and his brown eyes were full of hostility
The ray coentle He was also a little thin
He wore black glasses and pushed them up froe of the Galactic Federation’s Nial Ehter of the leader, she will not be ignored”
The bearded man listened to the bespectacled ht, so into his ear
The bearded man’s eyes widened, and a hint of fear flashed past his eyes
The black-eyed man next to hi?”
“It’s black, Black Angel!”Obviously, just saying these three words ly
When the bespectacled ed He said, “We have nothing to do with Black Angel, right?”
“What should we do?”The bearded man was a little flustered
The bespectacled o and said, “What we did did not conflict with Black Angel Theythis time Let’s hear what they want to do first However, no matter what, we should not offend theood
Although the corewoe of the Black Angel, the Archangel That woman already had countless lives in her hands, and she killed without batting an eyelid
As for the other angels, they were all not to be trifled with
However, the other party had already co for them The bearded man and the bespectacled o out to welcome them
They te the Galactic Federation’s Nial Empire