Chapter 234: Coming home. (1/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 45630K 2022-09-11

Chapter 234: Co like a newbetter than crakin' a cold beer in th'out of coin because you two bastards always throw it away on cheap booze and whores and noe even have a freeloader with us”

“Who you calling a freeloader?”


Senna pointed at Grisalde as eating so between the tomen that continued to shout at each other This reminded hi under the table while Grisalde tried to bash her head in

Orson and Dalrak were ignoring the thile enjoying their food After the party of five left the port they were forced to rest at the nearby tavern Due to a se It would be leaving soon so they were just having breakfast together before departing

While everyone was being loud and obnoxious Roland was just looking outside while tapping his fingers on the table Even though the danger was over he was feeling restless The trip back hoe but for sohts didn’t leave histo shake and the source of it was their new runesmith friend



He snapped back to the real world as Orson called out to hiular tier 2 class holders so it wasn’t that hard toyou, Wayland?”

“Oh… I guess I’ ho”

Senna chimed in from the side and actually looked somewhat confused after he blurred out the answer

“What is?”

“Well, don’t take this the wrong way but you don’t look like sos…”

The other three nodded in unison while finishi+ng up their food which left hiet anxious frooleood way to put it!”

Senna laughed out which brought a frown to Roland’s face It seemed that his quiet demeanor was attributed to a lack of emotions This was not true as he felt that he was similar to everyone else, just a bit introverted here and there Yet his new party members apparently didn’t feel the saht?”

Roland raised his eyebrow at Senna, as sticking her tongue out at hi his head heto fix his introverted ways Perhaps with the nu in short one-liners and actually hold a conversation that doesn’t include runes or business

“Let’s go, next stop the city of Albrook!”


A few of them cheered as the time to leave for their new destination was upon them They all had met up with him outside the city and had never actually been there Albrook had become a new destination for adventurers and they all were interested in the new dungeon but also old

Thanks to Senna’s skillful mouth the adventurers were able to land a teuards They would protect the set a free ride While Roland had enough left to pay for this trip there was no reason not to take up this offer Thanks to his and Grisalde’s golden adventurer cards they were instantly hired

The journey back hoh No monsters had crossed their path and neither did any bandits Yet this didn’t stop Roland fro skill every tih he could not trust his eyes anymore Those evil devices were also portable, at any moment a cultist could appear and put everyone under their spell

Even tier 3 people from the church were unable to break it, only he thanks to his unique skill could If at some point in time the cultists came to realize this fact his life would be forfeit At such a time his only hope of survival would probably be the church, not even his noble heritage would be of much use

“So you can’t recommend anyone?”

“Well… there is one idiot… I mean person but it would be better if you didn’t speak with him too much…”

Roland wanted to roll his eyes at the questions that Orson was giving them It was as if his mind was only filled with ass and tits Even after passing out on the shi+p, Orson was already itching for ht district

He never visited those types of places unless he wanted to visit the thieves guild so he had no idea what to say to his new friend, the only person that could probably point hi at Orson he could not shake the feeling that they were quite similar

“Stop with that stupid shi+t!”

Senna s the conversation

“So back to those dwarven union bastards!”

“Such a pity, that thay wid do such a thang”

Dalrak shook his head after Roland described the years of his back and forth with the uild and the dwarven union He infors they tried to do to force hiood crafts or two, luckily Runesrow on trees and rarely move away from the main cities”

Everyone nodded while he continued to explain the power dynaray light while putting Arthur slightly above theuild and a way of getting in contact with theo to the uard then they will have no proble you in”

As a uards Yet if Senna wanted to actually perforuild then she would need someone to vouch for her Roland knew a few people like that with Lobelia being on the forefront

“It’s good to have people in high places!”

“She will decide though, I can only introduce you”

He shrugged as Lobelia had the freedoard Seena’s plea There was a possibility as Senna was a guild uilds weren’t as tightly connected as the ones like the adventurers guild, each one was slightly different Depending on the guild master she could very well be refused entry

“So that’s Albrook?”


After the conversation was over and some more time had passed they had finally arrived at their destination The chi smoke into the air but besides that, the city seemed peaceful As always he could see new people stuck at the ate and this small caravan would probably be the sa at theline his attention was drawn to another place, towards the forest There he could not see any sned his workshop to filter all of it out instead He had promised to help them in the city and introduce the stuck in a line was the last thing that he wanted to do now

“This o, your wifefor you When we are finished with our accommodations we’ll come and visit you at that workshop of yours ”