Chapter 223: Touring the city. (1/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 43660K 2022-09-11

Chapter 223: Touring the city

“Watch it, if ye drop that there you’re goin' to 'ave to pay fer it”

“Stop shoutin' an' just 'elp me!”

From the distance, Roland could see people dressed like sailors carrying large crates with various items in them From what he could tell all the merchandise was divided by worth that could becheap then regular wooden crates were enough

On the other hand, if it was soical wood along with several paper seals that produced a ical barrier around it Even if soehammer it would not leave a dent in it But this didn’t ed if the outer shell was handled without care

‘So this is the shi+pyard…’

He had entered the large building filled with various seafaring shi+ps Besides them and the mass of people, he could see soht his interest as he could see so utilized Sos and parts of the shi+p, so on this world's version of a crane

The golem itself was not the whole crane, instead, they were used to replace laborers to pull long ropes that were connected to various pulley systems Roland recalled some history lessons that back in his world before mechanical cranes were created people had to actually pull theht be cheaper to have the goleole a goleular crane The runic structure wouldn’t be as hard and everything could be configured to allow an operator to move it with the help of some kind of console The only problem would be the money required to procurethe runes

‘The underground dwarven city was said to use souess for a huoles and were clearly mass-produced products With their help, the construction efforts probably progressed a lot se investment would be required to produce a better effect

‘The Valerian crest is also here, if I res should be stationed in this city…’

After glancing at the crest Roland recalled his research that went into the Valerian household With one of their iven They were a family known for their swordsmanshi+p, apparently, uess that’s why they have the nicknadom’s sword That’s ironic with how they are in the aristocrat faction and not with the royalists’

The Valerian household had won their position by pitting their children against each other in hopes of gaining stronger and stronger sword masters Their current position on by bloody conquest in the past It was a tough life that consisted of being cos, duels were quite common with these kinds of nobles that wanted to prove the Arthur out to a peaceful area like Albrook puts hih spot…’

Arthur was still a son of a noble and what nobles lived for was rising up in the ranks By being ordered to Albrook he wasn’t given much to ith There weren’t any opportunities for him there, his brothers would probably be sent on th while he only had the dungeon to ith

‘Tiainst hieon suddenly goes up a grade it will be hard…’

Roland was not sure what to think of the noble in the city He had helped hi ainvarious runic creations in the auction house While this could pad out Arthur’s pockets with so attention to the city

‘I should probably stop worrying about hiet out of here It doesn’t see…’

Nothis updated adventurer card he headed straight to the dock shi+ps traveled around the sea on a set ti on it they could be a faster solution to his probleet a shi+p then the only way back would be through that wide forest This was so that he wanted to avoid Even if the caravans were blocked he could always buy himself a horse and travel alone The only proble with the church knights

There was a possibility of running into both sides clashi+ng with each other there which would put his life at risk Even if he stayed to the outskirts soes had to be crossed The cult could also coe where they met the bandits

If the cultists actually showed up to recover their large relic they would probably ignore the surrounding shi+ps The e that they had taken over There was also another route by land that he could take, it went through a troublesome mountain path filled with variousit with the shi+pyard staff’

After going through everything in histhat rese lady that was siuild Next to the booth that she was sitting in was a large notice board with various scribbles that he didn’t understand

“Excuse ivefor the port close to Albrook”

“Albrook? Please wait a moment sir”

There was no line like in the adventurer guild so this tiirl pulled out a large book that looked like a ledger found in an accounting office He could see itudes The woes for some time which started to make him nervous but finally, he saw a positive reaction

“Ah, here it is… a o, it will then leave towards Vita”


Roland strained his geographical memory and recalled that this medium-sized port was not the one that he had previously visited It was further back into the island but the trip from it would be around three days on foot While this was not the location that he was expecting it was enough for him to instantly ask for more inforers?”

“Of course, if you pay the coin they will surely allow you to come but…”


“It will take a week before the shi+p leaves”

“A week?”

“Yes, if you wish to buy a ticket please coe, he received the infor It wasn’t odd for the shi+ps to stay for longer than a day after unloading the cargo The sailors could have faiven so off once more Even if he considered that he would need to re the shi+p would probably be the fastest and the safest mode of transportation

Perhaps if he was a tier 3 class holder he could attee Yet he was not, his iteole the scuffle They had turned into scrapfor the ti

“May I ask about the location of this shi+p and when it will be arriving tomorrow?”