Chapter 218: Time to go back. (2/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 46000K 2022-09-11

“Are you finished with telling your girlfriend your goodbyes?”

“Yeah, we are finished, we can leave now”

“ well you’re no fun”

Senna’s attenored her co the runic device while trying to squeeze some information about the cult froive out much besides so up onto the neagon which he now occupied with Dalrak, Orson and Senna he started thinking back to it

The Abyssal Cult worshi+ped a prominent evil God that supposedly lived in so they worshi+ped had no gender nor did it have a set physical for that everyone agreed on, the creature had so out fro card

Loreena told hiht was corrupted by the void God’s divinity The corruption would rob the corrupted of their will and turn theinated before the transfor that was supposed to resemble its master It was the same for the Abyssal Warlocks, he had seen one of the more eyes was a similar trait they shared

His new acquaintance didn’t go into much detail but it seemed that those tier 3 warlocks would be around the level of the Golden Order Knights she was a part of She did not oal of this cult nor what the brain parasites were for The evil Gods and e motives but mostly it was a battle for believers

‘Perhaps the larva were there to alter the brain and turn anyone into another abyssal worshi+per? Or perhaps they would turn them into mindless monsters to bolster their forces…’

Roland did not prod further as the reason was not that i it, he knew that the cult had to be stopped People with these larvae in their heads would not be aware of their existence This was truly a terrifying thing to realize, anyone he knew could be infected

The only way of curing those little pests was through divine energy that was in possession of high level priests Yet without realizing that the process of contamination took place, no one would seek out a priest to have this cursed creature re perhaps waiting for the right time to take the host over

Fortunately, he had witnessed the removal of these little monsters by the hand of the divine swordmaster The procedure was a lot easier than he expected as even without a proper healing spell it could be done Loreena just needed to use her divine aura blade that radiated holy energies After holding it close to the afflicted area the larva would deteriorate

It was truly not for the faint of heart During the procedure, the larva would panic and crawl outside through one of the host's orifices This would either be the nose, the ears, or back through the eye socket By this time it would have shrunk from the five-centimeter size down by a half and then directly turn into a puff of so to the priest and tell theies on the head…’

After witnessing this spectacle he had et a checkup While he didn’t think that this was such a prevalent affliction he could never know This expedition showed him that no one was safe, some of his acquaintances like Arone through this area on their travels and been infested by Abyssal parasites

“What do you think will happen to those people?”

“I don’t know, just leave it to the church”

As they were slowly e, Senna posed a question to Orson that just shrugged Even though they had removed the abyssal larvae froe Loreena told them that the people that were directly affected by the abyssal corruption needed to be further inspected

It was actually surprising that she just allowed all of the rest to leave It didn’t see to hide that the incident took place like soine the Valerian household allowing this info to leave the village if they could stop it It would make them look bad that they allowed the evil cultists to occupy one of the villages in their uess the church doesn’t care? or is this wo ht into how the people in power operated Mostly they would withhold any kind of disturbing infor Even when corrupt nobles were discovered everything was done to keep the infor They wanted to keep the co content with their power structure, if it seemed that the rulers were incompetent then a revolt was more likely

Loreena was a peculiar case then, even when being part of so called the Golden Order she didn’t feel like a proper knight Her class distribution made her look like an adventurer as usual someone at her position would have a paladin class instead People with those classes were usually a lot more fanatic about their belief in God

How she handled the infected was also quitethe wars between the cultists and the church zealots, the results were mostly more bloody The Paladins usually went toanyone with potential ties to evil Gods It didn’t see this as his travel coirly scared h she would have taken that lass’ head”

Darlak spoke up after their se and they were on their way

“Yeah, when she pulled out that glowing sword I thought she would slaughter thee? Was she really frouys aren’t much different from the cultists”

The denizens of this world confirh tier churchwith the afflicted than to help them out directly Yet she still had them stay behind, if those people survived when the rest of the inquisitors arrived at the palace was up to debate

“You don’t think that she just sent us away so that her church allies can ambush us in the woods? You all saw that wo about religious cleansings Senna started looking nervous It seerabbed their weapons to protect themselves

“Why would she do that? Not like she wouldn’t be able to kill us in the village by herself”

Roland co the conspiracy theory yet but the others weren’t convinced

“She wouldn’t be able to get us all but if there is a larger force surrounding us then perhaps…”

Senna replied while so soe and Loreena ht not have been able to kill everyone if they spread out into the forest

“There were others that escaped before we even left, at this point what can they do? Stopstuff up you idiots”

Grisalde called out from the top of the cart all of the with the merchant owner had already escaped before the monster was slain Even if the church killed them all now the information would already leave this place

Luckily the kill would be attributed to the Golden Orderfor the ride He had gained a good shi+eld to shi+ft blame onto but if his new acquaintance would be able to keep his involve he was convinced of though, the wo any paladins to cleanse this smaller caravan Thus while his adventure companions continued to stress out about it he just leaned back and already thought about what he could do when he returned home