Chapter 208: Traveling. (1/2)

The Runesmith Kuropon 42690K 2022-09-11

Chapter 208: Traveling



Melaina L 68


T2 analyst L18

T1 Accountant L25

T1 Villiger L25


‘She really does lack any kind of combat classes, re woman before him The short letter that he received from her informed him about the specificity of the test It wasn’t much, he just needed to deliver the Melaina unharmed to the last destination Probably the unharmed part was the most important component of the mission

“So Ms Melaina I just need to ensure your safety for the entire trip, is that right?”

“That’s right and Melaina is fine, I think we are about the sae”

“Okay, then you can just call s Roland pointed Melaina towards the merchant leader that she needed to have a talk with If he understood this correctly, the guild would cover most of the fees that the merchant would need to pay hih-level adventurer as a bodyguard while the guild could dump off someone that was untested

“Okay then, I’ll be watching you Wayland please reold rank adventurer!”

“Expected huh?”

“Is there a proble…”

Roland shook his head but the old rank expectations he just wanted to laugh Arold rank adventurer and he could not be considered very trustworthy The way she was speaking made him feel that her field experience was close to zero

The only expectations on a higher rank adventurer would be their capability to solve problems How they solved those proble it with extreme violence was expected Her words ht or at least that was how he understood it

“I’m sure you have a lot of work to do, so I will excuse myself then but please remember that this is still a test!”

Finally, after the greeting and a quick back and forth Melaina turned towards the ive another letter to the people leading this caravan Now Roland had to contend with her looking over his shoulder and perhaps lowering his score if he did so

‘I hope she doesn’t expect o out of my way to perform at this job, an adventurer also has to knohen it's tiest worry he had was that this exahtened expectations of him Yet even if it meant that he failed this test he would not put his life at too much risk There were far too her rank was nice but it was not worth losing his life In half a year he could try again and then his equipher which would et back to the front cart, we are uard leader shouted towards hio back to his spot while he headed towards the new adventurers that arrived Like he expected Orson and Dalrak were not riding in his cart, they were even forced to carry souards

While the new adventurers were getting their tasks handed out he took soold ranked adventurers coolds and about twenty-five silvers co on this expedition This was about the usual ratio of one to five that only increased when going up the ranks

“You’re already here?”

Finally, his wagon partner made her appearance, the barbarian woht htly Yet this tiru for soe to e her back

“Yes, as you can see”

She just sat down on the opposite side as if nothing happened Perhaps the sed her opinion of hiize for her behavior Instead, she just looked to the side where she spotted a certain halfling walking around

“Hey, isn’t that the runt from yesterday?”

Roland frowned as he could see that the large woive it a rest, we are all part of this caravan If you cause et paid but well, that's up to you"

He just shrugged as afterhe realized that some tomfoolery was involved The barbarian was probably sca her money It was impossible for hi funny and it was not his responsibility either

If the halfling decided to cheat people out of their money she needed to be fine with the consequences The only part that he didn’t like was that some of his acquaintances were involved with it If it wasn’t for them he would have also stayed out of the draht”


Roland was surprised that perhaps the barbarian wasn’t that dense but he was quickly disappointed by the follow-up

“Yeah, I’ll just challenge her to another gaood luck with that”

Finally, the wagons startedand he could see that they had doubled in the a the furthere point to observe the rest

‘Noill this go as sion they would be arriving at the lawless zones of the island Such places were es existed Without a large huulated space

There were a couple of things they had to watch out for, the easiest would be monsters that didn’t wander in packs or in smaller ones Those would probably not be an issue due to the size of their caravan Then there was one of the worst they could anized oblins or lizardes with e huh stats comparable to battle-focused classes of huence factor they do tribes consisting of monsters Goblins were one of the worst as they multiplied comparatively fast and were quite violent